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Рік заснування видання - 2014


08.10.2015 17:11

[Секция 3. Маркетинг]

Автор: Boguslavska M.V., Royenko L. V., Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

We live in an era of dialogue and social cohesion. Social networks can be used not only for entertainment, communication, but also for the professional promotion of the brand, product or website.

Today, more and more people use social networks. People less believe advertising, and more - the recommendations. Promotion in social networks is a tool that allows the brand instead of creating traffic to your site on their own to come to places where people already have.

Social networks now have become one of the most effective marketing tools. Their audience has long exceeded not only the potential audience of any print media and radio and TV broadcasting. According to different studies every second the Internet user spends time in different social networks (52% of Internet users).

Sites such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Odnoklassniki  today play an important role in the social-media space, delivering low cost promotional campaigns.

Unceasing development of communication between people in social networks can not be left unattended by marketing and advertising experts. Advantages of product and services promotion in social networks are obvious. Leaders of social networking are willing to cooperate with advertisers, it's good for everyone.

Among modern methods and current methods of advertising in social networks we can observe: contextual advertising; banner advertising; advertising in applications; group advertising; advertising accounts, meetings, service "announcement", advertising messages, status. The main problem that can be solved using SMM, includes brand promotion, growing of loyalty and popularity, site traffic increase.

The problem of using social networks to promote has been examined by such scholars as Dzhefkins F., Kramarenko V. I., Leveshko R., Lukyanets T. I., Yuskiv B. M. etc. Despite this, there are questions that need further study.

Advertising in social networks allows:

- stimulating sales of goods and services by attracting the attention of a large number of potential customers;

- disseminating information about the brand, company, product or service among users who are directly interested in this information;

- necessary to work with the audience, which can be assembled in minutes (according to gender, age, territorial affiliation, place of residence, etc.);

- informing consumers about new products, promotions and special offers,  and receive feedback about a brand, company, products and services directly by the customers;

- working to eliminate the negative and positive sides to strengthen the brand;

- establishing communication with a wide range of consumers.

Marketing on social networks has a number of advantages:

- low cost advertising, wider and clearer coverage of the target audience and a certain segment of consumers;

- social networking audience is growing daily;

- high performance and the ability to get quick feedback from customers and respond them quickly;

- increasing loyalty concerning goods / services as a result of information and a reminder of the company's brand and its products;

- advertising on social networks is not so clear, it is not seen by users as imposed rather perceived as recommendations by acquaintances,  interesting people, as leaders’ opinion in communities (and this generates greater confidence and interest);

- social media is not exposed to any external factors, they are independent of political or economic situation in a country or region.

Advertising in social media is effective because it can present your product or service to many people, draw the attention of visitors to the event or news. However, by placing ads on social networks, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all social networks are identical; each has its own characteristics, such as orientation, age and possible active audience. Therefore the choice of acceptable social network is dependent on the specific campaign objectives.


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