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Рік заснування видання - 2014


27.04.2017 16:21

[Секция 1. Экономика, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами]

Автор: Tiasmin A.V., student of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Modern trends in the development of economy are characterized by the increasing of competitive tension at global markets, the formation of specific forms of competition. Considering that the dairy industry enterprises play an important role in the national economy and in the providing population with food, the important task today is to ensure their competitiveness at the markets. A significant decline in agricultural production, a lack of financial and material resources, the increase of food prices, the substantive outdated equipment, low solvency of the population, the reducing  consumption of dairy products adversely affect the results of the dairy industry and cause their competitive decline.

The function of this industry depends on many factors, the most important of which is the state of production, the availability of qualitative raw materials, solvency of customers, market infrastructure.

 The factors of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in dairy industry are:

1. Price competitiveness is the ratio of product prices with the major price level of competitors; attraction of discount system; cost savings; increasing of productivity; efficient using of resources; introduction of resource-saving technologies; intensification of productions.

2. Quality competitiveness is biological qualities of the product; organizational and technological conditions of production; environmentally friendly products.

3. Realization terms competitiveness is the quality of delivery; speed and forms of payment; the level of trading service; ways and channels of sale; manufacturer's guarantee; sales promotion.

Due to significant competition at the raw materials market manufacturers of ready-for-sale dairy products should form associations that will invest large sums of money in modernization of production, will flexibly respond to changing state of the market, will increase their assortment constantly and in order to avoid losing of their places at the market because of the seasonal deficit conditions of raw materials they will expand their sale markets through exports.

The competitive improving of the dairy industry depends on the presence of a strong raw material base, relationship among manufacturers; introduction of new quality standards for milk and diary products, quality control of diary products according to the standards; existence of modern technological equipment; updated product assortment; sizes of sale markets; stable market position of the company which is determined by image and goodwill of the company.

Despite of not very favourable situation in the dairy industry, Ukrainian dairy manufactures should not abandon the further improvement of manufacturing technologies because only the strongest can survive in crisis and as we know, one of the best ways to create competitive advantages is innovation.

To succeed at the market the company should follow the chosen strategy of its development, should influence on competitive laws in its favourable direction and also should occupy a strong and dependable stand in the industry.


1. Azoev, G.L. (1996), Konkurencija: analiz, strategija i praktika [Competition: analysis, strategy and practice], Centr jekonomiki i marketinga,  Moscow, Russia.

2. Yankovyj, O.H. (2013), Konkurentospromozhnist' pidpryiemstva: otsinka rivnia ta napriamy pidvyschennia [Competitiveness of enterprises: assessment of levels and ways to increase], Atlant, Odessa, Ukraine.


Науковий керівник: Кузнецова Наталія Богданівна; к.е.н, доцент, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну

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