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Рік заснування видання - 2014


30.11.2017 10:27

[Секция 1. Экономика, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами]

Автор: Kodiy Svitlana, magistr, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

At the present stage of innovative development of the economy, the task is to turn resource saving into a decisive source of meeting the growing needs of the population and raising the standard of living. The innovative potential of the country, the pace of development of production and the improvement of the quality of life of the population depend to a large extent on the extent to which labor resources are fully and effectively used. At present, new higher requirements are imposed on the formation, distribution and use of the workforce. 

The need for a significant improvement in the use of labor resources is determined by a number of objectively acting factors. First, the reduction in the growth of labor resources in connection with the general demographic trends. Secondly, the continuous increase in the number of workers sent to the non-productive sphere. The optimization of the use of the labor force at the present stage is determined not only by the expected shifts in the demographic situation, but also by new tasks in the area of improving scientific and technical production and increasing the role of innovative factors of economic growth. 

The tasks of accelerating the socioeconomic development of the country can not be resolved in isolation from the problem of efficient use of labor resources. The problem of measuring and shaping the optimal composition of the qualitative characteristics of the labor force is actual not only in the theoretical, but also in the practical aspect. At present, the most effective way of assessing is the use of the model of professional competence. It is based on the hypothesis of the dynamism of corporate competencies, the presence or absence of which is not the initial given organization, a kind of constant. And one more important detail: the destructive consequences for the organization are not only lack of competencies, that is, a lack of professionalism, but also their redundancy. 

The further development of the sphere of labor relations requires the active formation of the labor potential of enterprises and collectives, designed to react independently to market demand and satisfy it, which is especially important in conditions of economic instability. Overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis and further economic growth is impossible without a deep restructuring and innovative development of the economy and a positive solution to the social problems of the population. Therefore, for economic growth, it is important to define the role and significance of labor potential, the institutional basis for its formation and the mechanism of continuous development [5]. Thus, radical changes in the organization of public production of an innovative type are the result of a qualitative transformation of both the productive forces of society and the worker himself. The changes taking place in society affect the very nature of human activity. They change not only the type of activity, but also the nature of values, needs and preferences. The change of labor in the conditions of modern production, being its regular demand, is a qualitatively new sign of modern management of the multi-structural system of labor potential, called upon to provide the degree of mobility of the worker and the changes in his labor behavior necessary for scientific and technical progress


1. Arsentieva NM, Kharchenko II, Busygin VP Use of personnel potential in innovative and traditional segments of the region's economy // Region: Economics and Sociology. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 157-174. 

2. Bazarov T.Yu. Technology of personnel assessment centers: processes and results: Pract. allowance (for social psychologists, personnel managers, personnel officers, etc.). - Moscow: KNOUS, 2011. - 304 p. 

3. Geleta I.V. Current state and prospects of the labor market // Humanitarian and Socio-economic Sciences. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 68-71. 

4. Dudina OI, Zelenkov VA Modern requirements to the quality of the workforce and assessment of the personnel of enterprises / / Personnel of the enterprise. - No. 4. - 2007. - P. 43-47.


Scientific supervisor: Denisenko Nikolay Pavlovich, Doctor of Economics, professor, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

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