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Рік заснування видання - 2014


05.08.2019 12:14

[Секция 2. Конституционное право. Конституционное процессуальное право. Международное право]

Автор: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina [1] there are quite significant coordination standards, which can be divided into three groups.

In the first group we include those norms that provide coordination powers. Thus, on the basis of Article III, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, the Presidency may decide to facilitate the coordination of matters between Entities not within the competence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as provided for in this Constitution, if any Education does not object to it in one or another specific case.

Article V, paragraph 3, of the Constitution states that it is the responsibility of the Presidency, among other things, to (h) coordinate, as appropriate, with international and non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In accordance with subparagraph 5 (b) of paragraph 5 of the same article, the members of the Bureau elect a Standing Committee on Military Affairs to coordinate the activities of the armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The members of the Presidium are members of the Standing Committee.Ко второй группе относятся различные процедуры согласования.

So, on the basis of subparagraph a) of paragraph 5 of Article V of the Constitution, each member of the Presidium, by virtue of his position, has the authority to exercise civilian command of the armed forces. None of the Entities shall endanger the use of force or its use with respect to the other Entity, and under no circumstances shall any armed forces of any Entity be incorporated or located in the territory of another Entity without the consent of the Government of the latter and the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

By virtue of Article III (2) (b) and (d) of the Constitution, each Education provides all necessary assistance to the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina so that the latter can comply with Bosnia and Herzegovina's international obligations, provided that liability for financial obligations accepted by one Education without the consent of the other the election of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is borne by this Education itself, except when such an obligation is necessary for the continuation of the membership of Bosnia and Herzegovina tsegoviny in any international organization. Each Education with the consent of the Parliamentary Assembly can also conclude agreements with states and international organizations. Legislatively, the Parliamentary Assembly may determine that certain types of agreements do not require such consent.

In subparagraph 5 (a) of the same article of the Constitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for other matters agreed upon by the Entities; are provided in Annexes 5 to 8 to the General Framework Agreement or are necessary to preserve the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and international personality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the division of responsibilities between the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

In the third group we are talking about "norms of consent". For example, in subparagraphs (d) and (e) of paragraph 4 of Article IV of the Constitution, the Parliamentary Assembly is responsible for: d) taking decisions on consenting to the ratification of treaties; e) the resolution of any other matters necessary for the performance of its duties, or matters transferred to it by mutual agreement of Entities.


1. Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina //о

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