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Рік заснування видання - 2014


18.11.2019 14:00

[Секция 2. Конституционное право. Конституционное процессуальное право. Международное право]

Автор: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

Coordination rules of law are widespread in the current legislation of the Isle of Man, but the form in which they are fixed is different.

In such acts as the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Act [1], Insurance Companies (Amalgamations) Act, Insurance Act 2008 (Appointed Day), Insider Dealing Act, Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act, Industrial and Building Societies Amendment Act, Infanticide and Infant Life (Preservation) Act, Hypnotism Act, Incorporated Cell Companies Act, Howstrake Estate Act Amendment Act, Cathedral Church Act right in question solely on cooperation; Coordination in such circumstances is hardly possible.

Such acts as the Human Tissue Act Isle of Man Constitution Act, Isle of Man Constitution (Elections to Council) Act, Ionising Radiations (Protection of Workers) Act, Inquiries (Evidence) Act, Income Tax Act, Imprisonment for Debt Act, Advocates Act, Charities Act, Child Custody Act in the realization objectively require coordination, but they do not.

At Independent Methodist Trust Property Act, Incorporated Cell Companies Act, Human Organ Transplants Act, Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act, Human Rights Act, Highway Act, Agricultural Returns Act, Children and Young Persons Act, Church Legislation Procedure Act, Civil Evidence Act given the need for coordination, but other steps on formation of a coordination mechanism has been done. International Criminal Court Act, Acquisition of Land Act, Agriculture (Safety Health and Welfare Provisions) Act, Civil Jurisdiction Act, Collective Investment Schemes Act provide guidance on coordinating powers, but no form of coordination of interaction.

Isle of Man Survey Act, Interpretation Act, Adoption Act, Agricultural Tenancies Act, Agriculture and Horticulture Act, Anchors and Chain Cables Act, Arbitration Act, Bankruptcy Act, Broadcasting Act, Common Law Courts Act, Commissioners for Oaths Act do not contain coordination procedures.

It would be nice Control of Employment Act, Coinage Offences Act, Coastline Management Act, Agricultural Wages Act, Cabinet Office (Legislative Amendments) Act, Castletown Town Act, Consular Relations Act supplement the rules on liability for non-performance of agreed decisions. Administration of Estates Act, Airports and Civil Aviation Act, Animal Health Act, Consumer Protection Act They need to establish basic forms of control over the implementation of agreed decisions. At Administration of Justice Act, Anti-Terrorism and Crime Act, Coroners Act It should be added to regulations containing requirements for the professional qualification of the officials carrying out the coordination.

Thus, we note that this unconstitutional legislation Manx widespread focal law. These legal provisions are usually concise and supplemented by forms and procedures for their implementation. Rarely are fixed in the law coordinating powers of individual officials. Usually, there are no regulations on the control of the execution of the agreed decisions. No liability for failure and the decisions taken in the coordination process.


1. Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Act // Hereinafter acts look for:

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