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Рік заснування видання - 2014


13.11.2020 18:52

[Секция 1. Экономика, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами]

Автор: Malik L.N., the senior lecturer, The Kiev co-operative institute of business and the right

Economic safety of a government program of the subject of Ukraine is a condition of security of set of tools and actions which are connected on problems, realization terms, executors and resources, from external and internal threats and risks at which achievement of the purposes of the program is provided. The government program of the subject of Ukraine represents the formalized representation about a condition of certain branch of economy through the certain period of time (five, ten or more years) on the basis of realization of an object in view and performance of a complex of the actions coordinated on resources, terms and executors.

From all administrative functions, government programs in a control system of economy of region and maintenance of its safety most successfully are realized by two: 1) planning - provide strategic planning by public authorities; 2) information support - are information base for realization of other administrative functions and tools in a control system of economy and maintenance of its safety.

With a view of maintenance of economic safety development of a program method in management is necessary. It is possible to allocate three basic directions: 1) improvement of quality of planning of government programs; 2) improvement of quality of realization of government programs; an establishment of personal responsibility of officials for results of realization of the program; 3) embedding design components.

The mechanism of maintenance of economic safety of government programs consists of five elements. The first element is legal maintenance - is standard-legal base which contains documents of strategic planning. The second element in the mechanism of maintenance of economic safety of government programs - institutional maintenance, namely object and subjects which bear responsibility for maintenance of economic safety of government programs and an order of interaction of subjects of economic safety. Subjects who are responsible for maintenance of economic safety of government programs, it is possible to divide into forming and providing structures. Forming structures of maintenance of economic safety of government programs of the subject of the Russian Federation concern: 1) a legislature which define the basic directions and mechanisms of maintenance of economic safety of programs by acceptance of is standard-legal certificates; 2) judicial bodies; 3) the scientific personnel which is engaged in studying of problems of maintenance of economic safety in theoretical, methodological and practical planes; 4) political associations, citizens. Providing structures concern: 1) enforcement authorities; 2) public prosecutor's bodies.

As the third important element in the mechanism of maintenance of economic safety of government programs the system of indicators and indicators of economic safety of government programs acts. The fourth element in the mechanism of maintenance of economic safety of government programs are tools which concern monitoring, control and an estimation of economic safety of government programs. It is necessary to consider as the fifth element of the mechanism of maintenance of economic safety of government programs the information support including a database of statistics on the basis of the reporting about realization of government programs.

Thus, government programs are the integral element of system of maintenance economic. Formation and realization of government programs should be carried out taking into account threats and risks of economic safety. Economic safety of government programs follows from essence of a government program as forms of representation of a condition of any separate sphere of economy of the subject of the state through the certain period of time on the basis of realization of an object in view and performance of a complex of actions which are coordinated on resources, terms and executors. It represents a condition of security of set of tools and actions which are connected on problems, realization terms, executors and resources, from external and internal threats and risks at which achievement of the purposes of the program is provided.

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