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Рік заснування видання - 2014


30.12.2021 20:54

[Секция 1. Теория и история государства и права. Философия права. История политических и правовых учений]

Автор: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

From the point of view of the historical and legal approach, it seems important to determine the body of coordination of criminal prosecution in Russia of the XVII century, although there is very little direct mention of the coordination of law enforcement activities of executive authorities in historical sources. Of course, there is some historical information about tyuns who had special tasks and powers in terms of searching for a criminal [1, 48], but such data is extremely fragmentary and cannot be perceived as information about this or that interaction of law enforcement officers. 

Some beginnings of specialization within the framework of the function of criminal prosecution, which inevitably entailed interaction, can be seen only during the heyday of the command management system in Russia in the XVII century [2, 23]. The orders themselves were created haphazardly, as needed, caused by internal management problems or issues of external relations, their functions intersected and, often, they were generally vague. The authors see the Robbery Order as a prototype of the investigative body [3, 14]. The function of the Robbery Order was, in fact, the implementation of police reprisals in a number of categories of cases [4, 25].

The robbery order as an investigative body was collegial: at the head of the order was a boyar, he was replaced by a nobleman, and there were also positions of two clerks, in connection with which it was possible to talk about some kind of investigative and judicial commission [5, 11]. Some authors note that the order had a territorial network of its organs in the field – in the form of so-called lips, headed by lip elders [6, 10]. 

Meanwhile, an analysis of the activities of these "local" investigative bodies shows that their duties included not only the investigation of cases in its modern sense, but also the search for information about a crime, the search for criminals, etc. [7, 18], that is, in a certain sense of the word, these bodies were also administrative, attracted by the clerks of the Robbery Order to assist the investigation in a specific territory. In this part, the Robbery Order was also assigned responsibilities for coordinating criminal prosecution bodies vertically - between central and local authorities, as well as horizontally - between a specialized investigative body (clerks) and other authorities performing administrative functions.


1. Solovyov S.M. The history of Russia since ancient times. Book IV. Vol. 7. M., 1989. - 344 p.

2. Horiakov S. N. Procedural independence of the investigator. Dis.cand. jurid. M., 2006– - 198 p.

3. Stepanov. B.B. Procedural independence of the investigator in the investigation of crimes. Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Sciences. M., 2007. - 24 p.

4. Ogorodov, A. N. Procedural independence of the investigator in criminal proceedings. Dis.cand. jurid. M., 2018– - 202 p.

5. Khmeleva A.M. Preliminary investigation in Russia: Retrospective view // Lex Russica. 2016. - pp.11-20.

6. Loza T.V. The history of the creation and formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation / Loza T. V. // Law. Society. State.  2013. No. 1. - pp.10-19.

7. Koni A.F. History of the development of criminal procedure legislation in Russia / Selected works and speeches. M., 2013– - 312 p.

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