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Рік заснування видання - 2014


03.02.2023 14:42

[4. Педагогические науки]

Автор: Svitlana Vladyslavivna Donchenko, Poltava State Medical University; Serhiy Mykhailovych Bilash, D.Biol.Sc., Prof, Poltava State Medical University; Tetyana Stanislavivna Donchenko, Kobelyaky Lyceum #1; Mykhaylo Mykolayovych Koptev, Cand.Med.Sc., assistant of Professor, Poltava State Medical University; Yaryna Oleksandrivna Oliinichenko, Poltava State Medical University; Bohdan Serhiyovych Kononov, Poltava State Medical University

Innovations in education include creating, implementing, and disseminating new tools, methods, ideas, and technologies in educational practice. Thanks to this, the indicators of the quality of medical education are increased. The widespread use of information technologies occurs through the modernization of methods and forms of training future specialists. Modern computerization conditions can significantly complicate a teacher's professional and pedagogical activity as the goals and methods of learning change. Consequently, the requirements for teachers' digital competencies, a creative approach to learning, and continuous self-development are significantly increasing.

Key words: innovative technologies, computer technologies, education, training, distance learning. 

Medical education receives the latest technologies, the implementation of which significantly improves future doctors' training to a new level. The current requirement for the training of doctors consists in the formation of students' practical skills that allow them to find their way around quickly, make the right decision, and perform any manipulation without error.

Innovative teaching contributes to a significant increase in students' theoretical and practical training, taking into account their abilities, inclinations, and interests.

The use of innovative technologies is a prerequisite for successful learning and applying knowledge and skills. A teacher at a higher education institution must have modern communication techniques and use information technology in every lesson. Digital competencies of a higher education institution teacher are knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in one's professional activity.

Medical information technologies should be effective tools that facilitate students' assimilation of knowledge and make learning exciting and individual. The active use of computer technologies makes it possible to change the form of education and individualize each lesson. Innovative technologies allow you to combine traditional classes and computer technologies.

Information technologies have contributed to continuous learning, a significant reduction in classroom classes, and distance learning. The use of information technologies helps to choose a comfortable learning pace independently when students choose which tasks to start with and how much and what time to devote to them, making their schedule and daily routine. Distance learning allows you to get an education and work or pursue your hobby simultaneously, keeping constant contact with teachers by phone, e-mail, or various applications. Students are less nervous during an oral answer because they are in a comfortable environment for them. During distance learning, you can implement an individual approach to each student, which is often challenging during regular classroom classes. Students have the opportunity to work more independently, and the teacher serves as a mentor in solving questions that are interesting or unclear to the student.

The use of innovative technologies contributes to the disclosure of the student's personality, the development of individual characteristics, the formation of cognitive interests of future doctors, and the continuous desire for self-education and self-improvement.

Currently, teachers and students of higher education institutions can access the Internet around the clock, use various mobile applications, and therefore have the opportunity to use new forms of interaction, reflected in the educational process. There are many ways to improve the quality of education: using various Internet resources and mobile applications, using innovative digital content, and searching for new and exciting forms and methods of learning. Furthermore, the development of information and communication competencies of teachers and students makes it possible to use the means of augmented and virtual reality in practical classes.

Modern challenges of education contribute to the introduction of modernized models of verification and assimilation of knowledge into the educational process because practical training, which is provided by dummies, simulators, virtual simulators, 3D visualization technologies, and other means that make it possible to simulate any pathological process, clinical case, the spatial structure of the body. The main goal of this approach to education is the formation of clinical thinking in future specialists, which is based on a professional set of knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to identify symptoms in a specific situation formed as a result of practical experience and continuous training. The ultimate goal of using innovative technologies is to minimize the number of medical errors, develop communication skills and clinical thinking, listen to colleagues' opinions, and develop independence and professionalism in future doctors.

Modern innovative technologies present wide opportunities for solving didactic tasks. At the Department of Anatomy with Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, teachers and students can actively use immersive technologies, namely virtual reality (VR), in practical classes. This technology contributes to better mastering the topic of the lesson, prepares future specialists for real clinical cases that may occur during surgery or manipulation of patients, and with the help of special virtual reality glasses, the human brain perceives images as real. Future doctors study the structure of a separate human organ in real-time 3D projection, its functions and have the opportunity to highlight each structure separately and on a corpse and manipulate it with the help of two controllers. Classes using 3D technologies help conduct classes in an exciting and informative way and help students decide on their future specialties. For example, a student who has dreamed of becoming a surgeon for a long time can appreciate the operating room's environment and the operation's course and feel the surgical intervention's complexity and responsibility.

Information technologies should provide students of higher education institutions with correct information about their studies, maintain self-confidence and competence, and encourage them to study. Therefore, the education of modern youth should be comprehensive, namely with the use of innovative technologies, the use of which contributes to the realization of a future competitive specialist.


1. Donchenko S. V., Bilash S. M., Donchenko K. V., Chelidze T. S. Vazhlyvistʹ klinichnoho myslennya v diyalʹnosti. Materialy VI Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo- praktychnoyi konferentsiyi «Modern directions of scientific research development». Chykaho, SSHA, 24-26 Lystopada 2021. S. 431-434. 

2. Donchenko S.V., Bilash S.M., Donchenko T.S. «Klipove» myslennya yak adaptatsiya molodoho pokolinnya do shvydkoho tempu zhyttya. Topical issues of modern science, society and education: materialy IV mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi. Kharkiv, 1-3 lystopada 2021 r. S. 537-539. 

3. Pronina O. M., Donchenko S.V, Kobenyak M.M. Osoblyvosti provedennya zanyatʹ u vyshchykh navchalʹnykh zakladakh pid chas dystantsiynoho navchannya. The Xth International scientific and practical conference «Trends in the development of modern scientific thought». Vancouver, Canada, November 23-26, 2020. S. 367-368. 

4. Cherkasov V. H., Bobryk I. I., Huminsʹkyy YU. Y., Kovalʹchuk O. I. Mizhnarodna anatomichna terminolohiya (latynsʹki, ukrayinsʹki, rosiysʹki ta anhliysʹki ekvivalenty). Vinnytsya: Nova knyha, 2010. 392 s. 

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