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Рік заснування видання - 2014


23.02.2023 12:32

[1. Экономические науки]

Автор: Artem Bardas, D.E., Professor, Dnipro University of Technology; Viktor Khanov, Post-graduate student, Dnipro University of Technology

ORCID: 0000-0002-8309-3796 Artem Bardas

The relevance of the chosen research topic is explained by the general trend of transformation of health care institutions based on the introduction of innovative technologies in daily medical practice and ensuring patients' access to high-tech treatment. Reforms of this kind provide that the funds come not only from the state and local budgets, but from other sources, too. In particular, it includes non-state financing and international grants. In most of the cases there is a need to apply a project approach to organizing the team's work. The most common approaches of managers in such cases are controlling the level of expenses and observing calendar schedules, evaluating the productivity of units and individual employees, and applying work distribution structures.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the peculiarities of team management during the implementation of projects on the example of medical institutions, which determine the success of their implementation.

The objective is to analyze the work experience of project teams from the point of view of compliance with calendar schedules of work execution, with budgets, as well as avoiding conflicts and ensuring customer expectations (quality of work).

A large number of publications by researchers are devoted to project management issues. Guanci (Guanci et al., 2019) provide an overview of the formal project management process and underline that effective project managers must have he skills needed to lead teams, remove barriers, and communicate with stakeholders; and the ability to develop detailed plans, accurate budgets, and project work schedules.

In the article (Saleem et al.,2020) authors considered the case of Maternal, newborn, and child health projects and their influence on hospital management. In order to understand the complexity of the relations between public health and project management a number of district project managers were interviewed to extract various themes for each phase of the MNCH project.

That is why we propose a hypothesis that the quality of the project teamwork is determined not only by the professionalism of the participants, the availability of resources, and the clarity of goals, but also by the leadership abilities by their project manager, and the well-established procedures of the project itself. 

An important aspect of the study is the evaluation the experience of introducing project management offices in organizations as separate structural divisions/ Such offices will be responsible for coordinating of employees’ activities and ensuring the direction of their efforts to achieve results with appropriate requirements for time, costs and quality. The study will investigate the impact of personnel qualifications, planning, policies of state and local authorities, and the level of funding on the success of project implementation.

As the important part of our work the authors propose the hypothesis that the direct correlation exist between team members’ motivation, the project manager’s leadership abilities, existence pf effective communication channels on the one hand, and the effectiveness and efficiency of the project, on the other hand.


1. Guanci, G., & Bjork, C. (2019). An introduction to project management. Nursing Management, 50(10), 20-26.

2. Saleem, F., Murtaza, I., Hyder, S., & Malik, M. I. (2020). Public health and project management: do projects deliver?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7244.

3. Musa, R., & Bashir, H. (2019). Mapping Sustainable Development onto Project Management Processes.

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