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Рік заснування видання - 2014


29.01.2024 14:08

[8. Филологические науки]

Автор: L. Mosiyevych, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes, Institute of Foreign Philology, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine

Against the backdrop of current realities highlighting the necessity for innovation in the energy-saving sector, the translation of terms from heat power engineering remains relevant. One of the characteristics of terms is synonymy [3, p.193].

The same word in the source language can have different translations in English, for example, граничнодопустиме значення шкідливого чинника can be translated as threshold value of harmful factor or permissible concentration; виробниче приміщення can be translated as industrial facilities, while виробниче середовище can be translated as work environment. Such synonymy in English translation is mainly represented by doublets – semantically identical units.

For precise translation, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the morphological structure of the terms. Many Ukrainian terms formed by stem compounding in English translation are two-component terms in English: вогнестійкість is translated as fire resistance, вогнезахист as fire protection, теплопровідність as thermal conductivity, and теплообмінники as heat exchangers [3, p.151]. However, турбокомпресор in English translation has an equivalent stem compounding – Turbocharger.

It should be noted that there are syntactic features of term translation. Government is a syntactic relationship between words in which the dependent word has the case required by the main word. The peculiarity of government in English terms is that it is non-prepositional. As a rule, prepositions are used in Ukrainian. For example, шкода від пожежі can be translated as fire harm, and вимоги до систем вентиляції as ventilation system requirements.

Transformations. Transformations are used when the terms in the source text have a different structural-functional order in the target text. Among lexical, grammatical, and stylistic translation transformations in translating terms related to heat power engineering, grammatical transformations predominate:

• substitution of singular with plural: техніка безпеки – safety measures; виробничий травматизм – industrial injuries;

• change of a part of speech: холодільний цикл – Refrigeration cycle, державний стандарт – the state standard;

• change in word order: equipment vendor – постачальник обладнання; energy consumption – споживання енергії;

• addition: energy audit scope – характер та обсяг робіт з енергетичного аудиту; energy audit reporting – представлення звіту за результатами енергоаудиту; maintenance work – роботи з технічного обслуговування.

It should be noted that as a result of addition, Ukrainian terms usually become multi-component terms in English.

• omission: протипожежний стан об’єкта – status of fire; евакуація людей під час пожежі – evacuation during a fire.

Calque. This is a technique where the component parts of a word are translated by the corresponding elements in the target language. Calque can only be applied when the translation equivalent does not violate the norms of usage and word combination in the Ukrainian language. Calque is not always a simple mechanical operation aimed at transferring the source form into the target form [2]. For example: перегріта пара - Superheated steam, третій закон термодинаміки – The third law of thermodynamics.

There are some neologisms in Heat Power terminology. When translating neologisms in heat power terminology, it's important to understand the origin and context of the term in order to find an appropriate translation. Here are some strategies for translating neologisms in this field:

• Look for similar terms: Sometimes, neologisms in one language are simply adaptations or variations of existing terms in another language. In these cases, it's useful to look for similar terms in the target language and use them as a starting point for translation.

• Use descriptive translations: Neologisms often describe new technologies, processes or concepts that do not have an established translation in the target language. In these cases, a descriptive translation that conveys the meaning of the term may be appropriate. For example, "thermogenetics" could be translated as "the study of heat transfer in biological systems."

• Consult with experts: Experts in the heat power field may have knowledge of neologisms that are specific to their area of expertise. Consultation with these experts can help identify appropriate translations and ensure accuracy.

• Translate the meaning, not the word: In some cases, neologisms in one language cannot be directly translated into another language. Instead, it may be necessary to translate the meaning of the term, using a combination of descriptive language and established terminology in the target language.

• Consider the audience: The translation of neologisms may vary depending on the intended audience. For example, a translation aimed at an academic audience may require more technical language than a translation aimed at a general audience.

Here are some neologisms that have emerged in the heat power industry:

• Thermogenetics: A branch of thermodynamics that deals with the study of heat transfer in biological systems, such as the human body;

• Pyrorecovery: The process of recovering energy from waste materials through combustion;

• Thermoeconomics: The study of the relationship between energy, economics, and the environment;

• Solarthermalism: The use of solar energy to generate heat for industrial processes.

Multicomponent terms have great importance in any scientific or technical texts because they have a clear scientific definition, possess stability and semantic integrity of the concept being represented. Multicomponent terms include multi-word expressions with three or more components. 

English multicomponent terms with typical left deployment have dependent components that are located to the left of the base component, while for Ukrainian multicomponent terms, the opposite is true with typical right deployment [1, p.383]. This fact should be taken into account when translating multicomponent terms. Here are some examples of English-Ukrainian term translations from the right to the left: "radiant heat flux" – "потік теплового випромінювання", "energy transmission channel" – "канал передачі енергії", "combustion chamber pressure" – "тиск в камері згорання".

To sum up, to translate a term properly, it is necessary to conduct morphological analysis of the term. Multi-component terms typically cause translation difficulties. Various transformations are applied during translation. Among the peculiarities of translation, the functioning of synonyms should also be mentioned.


1. Карабан В.І. Переклад англомовної наукової і технічної літератури. Граматичні труднощі, лексичні, термінологічні та жанрово-стилістичні проблеми. Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2004. 576 с. 

2. Коваленко А.Я. Загальний курс науково-технічного перекладу: навчальний посібник. Київ : Видавництво Карп’юка, 2004. 290 с.

3. Харчук Л. В. Явища синонімії та варіантності в українській електроенергетичній терміносистемі. Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук. 10.02.01 – українська мова.  Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка. Львів, 2017. 393 с.

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