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Рік заснування видання - 2014


29.01.2024 18:05

[8. Филологические науки]

Автор: Мельник Марина Борисівна, викладач англійської мови Вінницького національного технічного університету

To become good at speaking English, you need to practice talking. Just reading, watching, or listening won't make you confident and fluent in speaking. Some people think they can't improve their spoken English because they don't have a native English speaker to practice with. That's not true! Even if you don't have someone to speak with, there are ways to practice. But you have to be active and spend time on it every day. If you're motivated and work hard, you can see improvements in just two weeks. But remember, how much you improve depends on things like how well you already know English, how often you practice, and the kind of activities you do.

It's important to know that everyone learns at their own speed. Some people can talk fluently in about a year, while others might take a few years. The most important thing is to be patient and keep trying. Don't be upset if you don't see the results right away. With time and practice, you'll get better!

Even if you're already good at speaking, there's always a place to get even better. For example, even people who are really good at English still make mistakes, especially when they talk. So, if you're confident in speaking, there might be some things you can still work on. You might want to improve how you say words or make your conversations smoother.

Now, let's talk about speaking itself.

Speaking is very important for communicating with others. When you can speak well, you can share and understand information easily. Speaking is how we use words and other signs to mean things in different situations.

And what about speaking skills?

Speaking skills help you communicate well. These skills let you share your thoughts in an interesting, careful, and convincing way. Speaking skills also make sure that others understand what you're saying.

Speaking is seen as the hardest skill to learn when you're trying to learn a language. It's usually considered the most important of the four language skills. Some people feel frustrated because they've spent a lot of time learning English, but they still can't speak it.

Language is like a tool for talking to others. We talk to share our ideas and understand what others think. Communication happens when we speak. Without speaking, we can't communicate. So, being good at speaking is super important for learning any language. Without speaking, a language is just words on paper.

We use language in many situations. If there's a gap in communication, it can lead to problems. To be good at talking, you need to be good at all four language skills: seeing, listening, speaking, and reading and writing. But being able to talk well gives you some special advantages. When you can express your thoughts, opinions, and feelings in words, it's a great feeling. Sharing your ideas with others is a wonderful experience.


1. Luoma S. (2004). Assessing Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

2. Thornbury S. (2005). How to learn speaking. Harlow? England: Longman

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