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Рік заснування видання - 2014


26.06.2024 01:49

[11. Национальная безопасность]

Автор: Volodymyr Motornyi, PhD in Public Administration, Deputy Head of the Department of management of daily activities units of the Military Academy of Odesa; Yurii Vyatkin, Lecturer, National Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi, Lviv; Maria Halchenkova, Junior researcher National Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi, Lviv

ORCID: 0000-0003-0243-8666 Volodymyr Motornyi

ORCID: 0000-0002-4242-5184 Yurii Vyatkin

ORCID: 0000-0002-9049-2082 Maria Halchenkova

Russia’s insidious attack on Ukraine poses a threat to European values and the entire civilized world. The Republic of Poland is one of the NATO countries that is acutely aware of the reality of these threats. Having common borders with Ukraine and the republic of belarus requires a significant improvement of the country’s defense capability, which is ensured not only by the availability of sufficient modern weapons, a powerful defense industry and economic development in general. For several years now, Poland has been one of the few NATO members that has been implementing the recommendation to allocate at least 2 % of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita to strengthen defense. In 2021 and 2022, about 2.5 % of GDP was spent on defense. Last year, this value was approximately 4 % of GDP. In 2022, 60 billion PLN was spent on the army from the budget of the Ministry of National Defense alone. A year later, this amount amounted to 97.4 billion PLN. In addition, according to procurement plans, up to 700 billion PLN will be spent on the modernization of the Armed Forces by 2035 alone [1]. But it is very important to have motivated and trained personnel for the armed forces. 

Preparing young people to defend their homeland requires fundamental changes not only in the education system, but also in society as a whole. This necessity raises the issue of studying the relevant experience of other countries, implementing it, using own traditions and values, without which it is impossible to realize the task of preparing young people to defend the state [2]. According to K. Żygnalek, education in the defense sector should address the tasks of direct preparation of the whole society for armed defense actions and indirect training, which includes, first of all, the formation of an appropriate state of consciousness and attitudes of society regarding the armed defense of the Motherland [3]. 

The organization and conduct of students training of the Republic of Poland for the defense of the homeland is carried out on the basis of a number of legislative acts of the Republic of Poland regulating certain issues. The duration of the preparatory service may be limited for graduates of schools implementing innovative or experimental defense or security education programs, which are established by the current “Programmatic scope of training implemented within the framework of innovative defense or security education programs and training programs for members of non-governmental organizations”. Ways to implement the program’s objectives in terms of training students are set out in the Law “On the Protection of the Fatherland” of March 11, 2022 – hereinafter referred to as the Law [4].

The pilot project for this activity was the program of certified military classes in form (“Certyfikowane Wojskowe Klasy Mundurowe”, hereinafter - CWKM). The project was launched on September 1, 2017. CWKM activities are regulated by the program, which was put into effect by Order No. 621/ZPUSZiS-P3/P7 of the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army dated October 15, 2019. The program defined the main areas of activity of secondary schools in terms of military training. The organization of theoretical training was entrusted to the educational institutions that declared their participation in the project. The practical component of the training should be implemented at the facilities of the training and material base of the patronized military units. The total duration of the CWKM program is 185 hours of classes and 30 hours of independent work, which is carried out over two years (two semesters in the penultimate grade and the first semester in the final grade, depending on the type of secondary education institution, which allows project participants to voluntarily enroll in the preparatory service immediately after graduation). Class time is distributed as follows: 45 hours of theory, 90 hours of practical training, and 50 hours of practical training in a five-day military camp held at a military training ground [5]. According to the Ministry of National Defense (hereinafter – MND) of the Republic of Poland, over the five years of the project (2017-2022), 124 secondary schools participated in it, with a total of 11,634 students who wished to undergo training. Of these, 3,516 underwent basic training at various levels of preparation for military service, and some signed contracts with the Armed Forces. In the 2022/2023 academic year, 112 secondary schools and 4356 students are participating in the fifth and final stage of this project. An analysis of the work on the implementation of CWKM tasks revealed a number of problems, the main of which was the inconsistency of the curriculum, which was determined by the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland, with the needs of the MND of Poland. As a result of the development of a new curriculum by the MND of Poland, the following form of military training was introduced in secondary schools, the format of military training units (oddziały przygotowania wojskowego) hereinafter – OPW)). The OPW program is implemented over the entire period of study in secondary school, with 230 class hours allocated. From the beginning of the program’s implementation in the 2020/2021 school year, 130 schools have joined the program, where 130 training departments have been established with a total of 3387 students. In the 2021/2022 school year, 7392 students in 150 classes from 147 schools were already involved in the program, and in the 2022/2023 school year, 265 classes were created in 238 schools, with about 15,000 students already enrolled. In the 2023/2024 school year, it is planned to create 120 more OPWs and bring the total number of classes to 487. [6] Military training is carried out in the form of additional training classes, the theoretical part is conducted in educational institutions, and the practical component is practiced in a patronage military unit. The training ends with a 50-hour training camp, which is held at the beginning of the last year of study. An educational institution involved in the implementation of the OPW program can receive a subsidy of up to 80 % during the first year for the costs of purchasing specialized equipment (military uniforms, training weapons, sapper blades, stretchers, etc.), up to a maximum of 42,000 PLN. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland can also subsidize the cost of traveling to a patronizing military unit at a distance of at least 60 km from the school. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland has reserved 4.5 million PLN for the first three years of the program. A graduate of the military training department can take advantage of the opportunity to undergo 12 days of basic military training and receive additional points for admission to a military university. Implementation of the OPW program is aimed at creating a personnel reserve for the Armed Forces and Territorial Defense Forces of the Republic of Poland, increasing the number of armed forces and improving the level of military training of the population [7]. 

The next step in the innovative activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Poland was the introduction of a cybersecurity training program (“CYBER.MIL z klasą” - hereinafter “Cyber.MIL with a class”) in the 2021/2022 academic year). The basis for the implementation of this program was the Order of the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland of June 23, 2021 No. 59/ MON on the approval of the program “Cyber.MIL with a class” [8]. On the basis of this order, cybersecurity departments were established in 16 designated secondary schools (one school in each voivodeship), where classes should have 10 to 15 students. The training at the cybersecurity departments is conducted for three years, with 70 hours of annual training, during which high school and college students study the basics of cryptography, its history, the basics of creating algorithms, the basics of cybersecurity, data and information security management, etc. Academic lecturers and professors are involved in conducting theoretical classes. With the permission of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Poland, distance learning and study visits to units and organizations that deal with cybersecurity in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland are conducted. The program is designed for 9 years from the date of the decision to implement it. After that, it may be decided to extend it for another such period. In the 2022/2023 academic year, 436 students in 16 secondary schools are enrolled in the “Cyber.MIL with a class” program. Graduates who have studied under this program have the opportunity to continue their studies in specialized institutions, both civilian and military, with the prospect of joining the cyberspace defense forces being created at the present stage. 

Ways to solve the problem of preparing young people to fulfill their constitutional duty to defend the homeland and creating a trained reserve for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and territorial defense forces may be useful for solving similar problems in Ukraine.


1. System bezpieczeństwa czy pospolite ruszenie? Budowa bezpiecznej Polski. URL:

2. E. Jeziorowski (red.), Edukacja obronna w systemie bezpieczeństwa Polski, ARCANUS, Bydgoszcz, 1997. URL: https://Edukacja-obronna-w-kształtowaniu-świadomości-obronnej%20(1).pdf

3. K. Żegnałek, Problemy edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa państwa [w:]Edukacja obronna młodzieży na przełomie wieków, R. Stępień, R.W. Wroński (red.), Wyd. Naukowe WSP, Kraków 1999, s. 21. URL:

4. DZIENNIK USTAW RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ Warszawa, dnia 23 marca 2022 r. Poz. 655 USTAWA z dnia 11 marca 2022 r. o obronie Ojczyzny. URL: 

5. Rozkaz Nr 621/ZPUSZiS-P3/P7 Szefa Sztabu Generalnego WP z 15 października 2019 roku. URL: 

6. Informacja o posiedzeniu Komisji Obrony Narodowej nr posiedzenia: 23 data posiedzenia: 4 lutego 2022. URL: pdf

7. Odziały Przygotowania Wojskowego. URL:

8. Program CYBER.MIL z klasą. URL: 

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