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24.01.2025 17:11

[17. Социальная робота]

Автор: Hennadii Boiko, Master’s student in “Social Work” 231, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy; Olena Kolomiiets, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

ORCID 0000-0002-1343-4268  Olena Kolomiiets

Relevance of the Study. The full-scale aggression of Russia against Ukraine has become a powerful reason for mobilizing both Ukrainian civil society and the international community. Not only states, but also numerous civic and non-governmental organizations, as well as initiatives in Ukraine and abroad, have directed their efforts to support our country. In the context of active hostilities by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, non-governmental organizations have become the basis of public support for internally displaced persons. Due to the limited resources of state institutions and organizations, the implementation of services through social order, attracting resources from public organizations, foundations and businesses of the territorial community, is gaining particular attention.

Analysis of Recent Studies and Publications. The features of social order implementing in Ukraine have been studied by Kuly-Ivanchenko K. (2016), Dyachenko O. (2018), Dudaryov V., Popovych V. (2019), Reznychenko O. (2021), Petrochko Zh., Datchenko N. (2021), Buk M. (2021), and others. The advantages and risks of social order as an innovative method of improving the system of providing social services is revealed by Shubina O., Denysova Yu., Sanchych O., and Marylova A. (2020). Barriers to the implementation of social order were analyzed by Datchenko N. (2021). The application of the social order mechanism in youth policy was covered by O. Reznychenko (2021).

Research Objective. To analyze the role and stages of providing social services to internally displaced persons through social order.

The Main Body. The non-governmental sector in developed countries serves as a powerful tool for promoting social justice, development of civil society, and acting as a partner in addressing significant social issues through effective collaboration with government authorities. One of the key areas of such interaction is social order, aimed at implementing nationwide and local targeted social programs and projects [2;3].

According to the Law of Ukraine “On Social Services” [4], the procedure for providing social services through social order is established. Their funding is carried out through the conclusion of social contracts on a competitive basis, using budget funds (state and local budgets), funds from foundations, enterprises, institutions and other sources not prohibited by law.

According to the Ministry of Social Policy, as of January 15, 2025, there are 4,622,761 internally displaced persons registered in Ukraine. In Cherkasy region, the number is 136,626, including 33,555 children.

Due to the war, the practice of providing social services to internally displaced persons by non-governmental executives has become widespread. The lack of human resources (specialists in social work) in some territorial communities regarding the provision of social services, along with the increased demand for meeting the needs of internally displaced persons, requires the delegation of social service provision to non-governmental organizations through the implementation of social order. The growing number of people who need support is overloading the state system. In such conditions, there is a need to involve non-governmental organizations in providing social services. According to the sociological study “Civil Society in Ukraine in the Context of War – 2022”, the activity of the civil sector increased during 2022, with 6,367 new charitable foundations and 2,760 public organizations appeared, which is a significant resource for supporting internally displaced persons.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Certain Issues of Providing Social Services through Social Order” [5] defines the stages of providing social services through social order:

-defining the community’s needs (assessment of the residents’ social needs, including internally displaced persons, determination the number of service recipients, types and volumes of services, and the amount of required budget funds); the service provider develops the social order annually or for a period of up to three years within the framework of strategic planning development.

-development of the task and competition announcement, decision on conducting the competition (by March 1 of the budget period or within 30 days after budget changes);

-selection of providers (evaluation of tender proposals) and conclusion of contracts with the winners;

-provision of social services to the designated category of the population in accordance with the agreement;

-Monitoring and evaluation of the social service provision quality, analysis of the effectiveness of the providers’ work, and the influence on the community social needs.

Local governments are entrusted with the management function: forming orders, ensuring control and evaluating results.

The characteristics of communities (territorial — areas of increased danger; structural — diverse population composition, financial potential of the community) influence the types of needs of internally displaced persons. Therefore, identifying the needs of this category for each individual community is a crucial step in determining social services.

Therefore, one of the ways to improve the social services system is to involve non-governmental organizations in their provision. Social ordering contributes to the effective use of resources both by the state and the community, as well as improving the quality of social services provided to internally displaced persons through targeted support and increased coverage.

Based on the analysis of barriers affecting the development of social order by Datchenko N. [1], we have identified its advantages and disadvantages (Table 1).

Table 1.

Advantages and disadvantages of social order

Despite the risks and limitations, social ordering has significant potential for the development of the social services system for internally displaced persons, especially in the context of war and recovery, provided there is active support from local authorities and proper advocacy at the local level.


1.Datchenko, N. Barriers to the implementation of social order in Ukraine. Social Work and Education, Vol. 8, No. 4.. 2021. pp. 430-450

2.Social services in Ukraine: present and prospects / T. V. Semygina et al. Kyiv: Publishing House “Zirka”, 2007. 52 p.

3.Kuli-Ivanchenko K. K. Social order of local government bodies in Ukraine: constitutional and legal research: monograph. Kyiv. K. Helvetika, 2018. 232 p.

4.On social services: Law of Ukraine dated 01/17/2019 No. 2671-VIII Update date: 11/15/2024. URL: (07.01.2024)

5.Some issues of providing social services through social order. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.06.2020. . No. 450 Update date: 25.05.2021. URL: (10.01.2024)

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