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Рік заснування видання - 2014


26.01.2025 20:35

[1. Экономические науки]

Автор: Wang Xuewen, masters student, Sumy National Agrarian University

Modern development, characterized by complex socio-economic conditions, determines increased requirements for the substantiation and quality of policy development related to local economic development. This process covers both monitoring and direct decision-making regarding the choice of development strategies. Management at the local and provincial levels requires a comprehensive base of diverse information. This information can be obtained both from outside and from within the management system itself; however, problems often arise related to the insufficiency and inaccuracy of the relevant data. 

In the context of modern economic conditions, monitoring acts as the most important component of the information and analytical subsystem within the comprehensive system of local economic management. This is due to the need to provide decision makers with complete, timely and objective information on the current state and future trajectories of local economy development. The effectiveness of the monitoring system, especially relevant for the socio-economic development of united territorial communities, is one of its main tasks [6]. Timeliness, comprehensiveness, and impartiality are key criteria that position monitoring as an integral element of the management framework.

Gansu Province, located in north-central China, faces various socio-economic problems, including the inequality of development among its counties, with significant ethnic diversity and unique environmental problems. Analysis of Gansu Province's economic development trends shows that it is resilient and has a relatively high growth rate (fig. 1). In 2024, the regional GDP increased by 5.8% compared with 2024. Among them, the added value of the primary industry increased by 6.6%, the added value of the secondary industry by 8.7%, and the added value of the tertiary industry by 4.6% [1]. 

Fig. 1. Economic Development Indicators of Gansu Province in 2019-2024.

Source: Based on [5]

The emphasis on attaining GDP growth targets has driven a structural transformation in Gansu's economy, characterized by an increasing focus on high-value-added industries and services. This shift is evidenced by a notable rise in the share of the tertiary sector within the province's GDP, signaling a transition towards a more service-oriented economic structure. 

Gansu province has made great progress in its economic and social development. This achievement underscores the effectiveness of the provincial government's economic management and strategic planning. The growth in GDP has been partially driven by increased investments in infrastructure, particularly in transportation and agriculture. A key initiative, the Gansu Road Development Project, aims to enhance connectivity and reduce transportation costs, which are vital for stimulating local economic growth. Furthermore, Gansu has successfully lifted over 5.52 million people out of poverty between 2012 and 2021, reflecting the province's commitment to improving living standards and promoting socio-economic development [3]. Initiatives such as the Gansu Rural Revitalization project are aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity while simultaneously addressing the vulnerabilities associated with climate change, including drought and desertification. These projects are designed to strengthen the resilience of the region's agricultural sector, ensuring its sustainability in the face of environmental challenges [4].

Despite recent growth in Gansu in 2024, which is 0.8% higher than the rest of China, Gansu still ranks as one of China's poorest provinces.

To overcome these challenges, in Gansu Province a number of projects and studies have been implemented to monitor and improve local economic development. These initiatives typically rely on comprehensive assessment systems and targeted interventions to address regional disparities, promote economic growth, and improve social conditions [2]. Gansu Province has established comprehensive socio-economic monitoring systems aimed at addressing its unique challenges, including poverty alleviation, economic development, and environmental sustainability. 

Effective local economic development requires new approach of comprehensive, up-to-date data on socio-economic processes within the local economy to identify priority development areas, provide targeted support to local stakeholders, address pressing local economic challenges, and formulate a coherent local economic development strategy [6]. 

To advance the development of Gansu Province, it is crucial to strengthen the monitoring systems for socio-economic indicators. Effective monitoring will enable accurate assessment of the region’s current state and development dynamics, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making and optimizing strategies. Key areas of focus should include improving mechanisms for tracking indicators related to infrastructure, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and social well-being. Timely and reliable data collection will help adjust policies in response to emerging trends, such as shifts in employment, agricultural output, and climate change impacts. Monitoring transportation and agricultural productivity, as well as environmental factors like soil degradation and water availability, will assess the effectiveness of investments and the resilience of local systems.

Moreover, socio-economic data should be disaggregated by factors such as gender, income level, and geography to ensure inclusive policies that address the needs of diverse population groups. Aligning local monitoring efforts with national and global frameworks, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will ensure that Gansu’s development is consistent with broader objectives.

In conclusion, establishing a comprehensive monitoring system for socio-economic indicators is essential for Gansu’s sustainable development. It will enhance the effectiveness of development programs and provide data necessary to adjust strategies in response to changing conditions.


1. 2024年全省经济运行情况。甘肃省统计局  国家统计局甘肃调查总队2025年01月20日 URL:

2. Cao, P., Tao, H. Sustainable Development in Gansu Province: Theil Index and Cluster Analysis. Sustainability. 2024, 16, 4518.

3. Gansu Demonstrative Rural Revitalization Project. IFAD. United Nations.

4. Gansu placing emphasis on economy. China Daily. URL:

5. National accounts. Gansu Province. National Bureau of Statistics of China URL:

6. Моніторинг соціально-економічного розвитку регіону : монографія / О.І. Пурський, О.А. Харченко, І.О. Мороз. – Київ: Київ. нац. торг. екон. ун-т, 2017. – 180 с.


Supervisor: Dehtiar Nataliia, PhD, senior lecturer, Sumy National Agrarian University

Creative Commons Attribution Ця робота ліцензується відповідно до Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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