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Рік заснування видання - 2014


27.06.2017 19:38

[Секція 1. Економіка, організація і управління підприємствами, галузями, комплексами]

Автор: Galushko O.I., CEO at Arlen LLC Consulting Company, Senior lecturer at Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

The trends of globalization and economic integration caused the growth and acceleration of commodity flows, which respectively led to significant increase of freight traffic volumes. But in Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries, the cyclical growth of freight traffic volumes combines with the catastrophic depreciation of tracking rolling stock, reduction of dispatching efficiency and drop of railway cargo speeds. All mentioned above creates an increased load on the infrastructure of the railways [1].

The aging of the locomotive fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia significantly exceeds the pace of purchasing of a new traction rolling stock. The most catastrophic situation caused with the fleet of diesel locomotives: in 2013 the depreciation of CHMEZ diesel locomotives was 99,6%,  M62 - 100%, 2M62 - 100%. The electric locomotives are  more efficient units of cargo traction, but situation with their fleet is not much better: their depreciation in 2013 amounted to 90,3% [2]. 

So today the locomotive fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia can be considered as completely depreciated. According to the forecasts of Ukrzaliznytsia, the need for a locomotive fleet to meet the growing demand for cargo and passengers traffic will grow significantly by 2025. Thus, the need for the trunk and maneuver locomotive fleet for 2017 is 2492 units, while by 2025 these need will increase by approximately 16% to reach 2881 units. The deepening of the economic and political crisis in 2015-2016 has reduced the opportunities of enterprises-owners the traction rolling stock to carry out modernization and overhaul repairs of locomotives. Therefore, the problem of the formation of an optimal fleet of locomotives is particularly relevant in the context of the crisis. 

Therefore, it is necessary to determine which traction rolling stock have to be modernized or repaired, as well as to determine the need for the purchasing of new modern locomotives that correspond the requirements of reliability and safety of motion. In the conditions of the economic crisis and the lack of financial resources for updating the fleet of locomotives it is expedient to provide a deep modernization, which costs about 60% of the new locomotive price, but allows: to reduce operating expenses up to 40% [2]; to support the domestic railway engineering enterprises, which are in an extremely difficult situation as a result of the economic crisis, by the state orders. Taking into account the most important strategic and social role of rail transportation, as well as global trends in the economy, new mechanisms for replenishment of the rolling stock fleet should correspond not only to the current level of technical solutions, but also to the requirements for economic efficiency and environmental safety.

In today's economic conditions, it is necessary to re-evaluate and increase the significance of economic drivers of locomotive’s ownership - such as assessing the efficiency of investments in the purchasing and modernization of traction rolling stock, as well as the assessment of financial results from the operation of locomotives. Therefore, the following should be taken into account: estimation of investment efficiency (NPV, IRR, DPB); estimation the amount of operating costs (current expenses of the operator for electric power, fuel, materials, human resources, depreciation, etc.); the ratio of income and expenses of the operator before and after taking the locomotive into the operation (economic effect); market balance of capacities on re-equipment of locomotives according to their structural composition and access to the market of spare parts and units.

The problem of updating the fleet of locomotives can be solved both by purchase of new locomotives and / or by modernization of the traction rolling stock being exploited. The cost of the lifecycle is a criterion for evaluating the new and upgraded locomotives in the long run. During the life cycle of the locomotive, the owner of the locomotive carries the capital expenses (investments) and current expenses (operating costs) for the period of its use. When selling a locomotive, the costs of the supplier are contained in the price and are compensated by the buyer in the form of capital expenses for the purchase of a locomotive. The amount of capital expenses affects the payback period of investments for replenishment of traction rolling stock. In case of leasing a locomotive or using it under a concession agreement, the operator is exempted from capital expenses. Operating (current) expenses include fuel costs, materials, labor cost of locomotive brigade, equipment and maintenance, as well as locomotive repairs. Current expenses affect the results of the operator's financial and economic activity, since the income / expenses parameters have to ensure the planned profit [3].

The renewal of the traction rolling stock will increase the productivity of the locomotives, reduce operating costs and, accordingly, the cost of transportation, extend repair periods and reduce the cost of repairs. So Ukrzaliznytsia immediately have to determine which rolling stock have to be modernized in the first place and which criteria should be taken into account when choosing the technology of modernization.


1. Отраслевое  исследование «Рынок локомотивов России и стран "Пространства 1520". Итоги 2011 г. Прогноз до 2015 года» // INFOline [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:

2. Укрзалізниця: концентрація ресурсів на оновленні парку локомотивів залишається пріоритетним завданням на 2013 рік // Прес-центр Укрзалізниці [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

3. Галушко О.І. Економічні  та  технологічні  аспекти  формування оптимального парку  локомотивів  в  умовах  кризи // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – Х.: Вид-во УкрДУЗТ, 2017. - №57. – с.82-90.

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