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Рік заснування видання - 2014


07.12.2018 23:19

[Секція 1. Економіка, організація і управління підприємствами, галузями, комплексами]

Автор: Шайко Дар’я Русланівна, студентка, Національний університет державної податкової служби України

Scientific supervisor: Nowadays companies rely on a variety of strategies as far as their operation is concerned. Typically, the more innovative a company is, the more attention it pays to the development of a well-thought-out action scheme that will focus on providing or maintaining a long-term competitive advantage. 

The aim of this thesis is to make the essence of creativity as the core part of the innovation process. Literature review was used for this purpose.

Competing companies are now striving to improve or develop unique solutions (high quality) but at the same time they do not generate high costs. As the word "creativity" is used today to describe many subjects, people, fields or phenomena (eg. "creative product", "creative sales", "creative accounting", "creative attitude"), it is worth mentioning some definitions of this concept, which is becoming more and more popular. Krzysztof J. Szmidt emphasizes that creativity is the ability of a man to create new and valuable products [1, p. 22]. By definition, creativity is a human trait that influences the generation of ideas that make it possible to create new and better solutions, in comparison to the present ones.

"Creation" is a very similar term to the discussed issue. It is a mental process that produces new reactions that help solve problems [2, p. 31]. In case of creation, it is often emphasized that the effect resulting from its use should be of great value and will be appreciated especially by specialists in a particular field. Taking into account the assumption that creative thinking in an enterprise is usually directed to achieve a result of high value for creators and customers, these both terms are often used interchangeably.

Creativity is considered to be the first stage of the innovation process because it is the source of generating new concepts, ideas whose possibilities can be verified at the stage of basic or applied research. Jerzy Baruk distinguishes conceptual creativity related to the development of new methods, models or theories, as well as the operational creativity necessary in practical implementation processes and the verification of conceptual creativity products [3, p. 90]. Therefore, creativity is a factor in the implementation of new and useful products. The important role of creativity in innovative processes should be particularly noticeable in companies with a high level of innovation.

Creative thinking is also often treated as an individual human disposition [4, p. 78], distinguished by its unconventional approach to various problems, unusual ideas for solving them, positive attitude, learning from mistakes as well as determination in pursuit of innovative solutions. Taking into account the opinions of economists who point out that creativity is the only inexhaustible resource providing a competitive advantage [5, p. 222], it can be assumed that the greatest benefit is brought to enterprises that invest in the human factor.

Edward de Bono, one of the leading authorities in the field of creative thinking, believes that "creativity is a skill that everyone can learn, practice and use". Therefore, the basis of creative and effective enterprise operation seems to be an appropriate organizational culture. It is a collection of common values, goals and corporate beliefs that shape the engagement as well as the way and quality of work of all employees [6, p. 115].

Managers should make sure that creativity and innovation are treated as basic cultural norms that are inherent elements of the company’s strategy. Rewarding employees should be based not only on the methods used so far but also on the risks they take which is necessary to introduce new solutions in the company. By implementing a mechanism for creating, developing and promoting new ideas and technologies in the enterprise, it is possible to respond more quickly to the market signals and challenges . Without the involvement of employees, even the best methods or techniques do not provide the intended effects in production or service provision.


1. Szmidt K. J. (2013), Trening kreatywności, HELION, Gliwice. 

2. Zimbardo P. G., Johnson R. L., McCann V. (2010), Psychologia. Kluczowe koncepcje, PWN, Warszawa. 

3. Baruk J. (2006), Zarządzanie wiedzą i innowacjami, Adam Marszałek, Toruń. 

4. Kaliszczak L. (2013), Kreatywność i innowacyjność w kształtowaniu wartości rynkowej oraz przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstw, „Przedsiębiorstwo i region”, No. 5, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów. 

5. Jung B. (2010), Kreatywne gospodarki i „kreatywna klasa”. Otoczenie mediów ery Web 2.0, (in:) Jung B. (ed.), Wokół mediów ery Web 2.0, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa. 

6. Armstrong M. (1997), Jak być lepszym menedżerem, Dom Wydawniczy ABC, Warszawa. 

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