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Рік заснування видання - 2014


20.05.2019 13:31

[Секція 2. Конституційне право. Конституційне процесуальне право. Міжнародне право]

Автор: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

Finnish legislation confuses the concepts of “coordination” and “mediation”. The question arises: does the coordinating powers of the mediator? We think that normally no, because the meaning of the law the mediator shall assist the parties in their endeavours towards agreement and an amicable settlement (Section 7 «Reaching a settlement» of Act on Court-annexed Mediation (663/2005)) [1]. A similar example: Act on mediation in civil matters and confirmation of settlements in general courts (394/2011) [2]. 

However, in Chapter 3 Section 9 (354/2009) of Act on Mediation in Labour Disputes (420/1962, amendments up to 477/2011 included) national conciliator or a conciliator has coordinating authority [3].

Wrong to assume that the powers of the ombudsman are based on coordination. However, in Act on Cooperation Ombudsman (216/2010) we are not talking about interaction and cooperation, but rather of coordination: the Cooperation ombudsman works in conjunction with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy for the purpose of supervising compliance with the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings (334/2007). A cooperation ombudsman's required qualification is to have a higher university degree in law and be acquainted with the duties required for serving in this public office. The cooperation ombudsman is appointed by the Government for a fixed period, at a maximum of five years at a time. 

The cooperation ombudsman’s duties are as follows: 1) to supervise compliance with the acts mentioned in section 1; 2) to promote and improve cooperation between employers and employees, and the implementation of other personnel involvement systems, through various initiatives and instructions; 3) to monitor the attainment of the objectives of the Acts mentioned in section 1; 4) to advise on applying the Acts mentioned in section 1; 5) pursuant to section 8 of the Act on the Labour Council and Derogation Permits Concerning Labour Protection (400/2004), to request an opinion on whether the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings or the Act on Co-operation within Finnish and Community-wide Groups of Undertakings should be applied to an undertaking or group of undertakings; 6) to supervise that the activities and administration of personnel funds comply with the Act on Personnel Funds and fund bylaws; 7) to maintain a personnel fund register and, for that purpose, to receive and examine notifications and other documents pertaining to funds (Section 2 «Duties») [4].

Thus, the same term in the same act referred to as cooperation and coordination.


1. Act on Court-annexed Mediation (663/2005)) //

2. Act on mediation in civil matters and confirmation of settlements in general courts (394/2011) // 

3. Act on Mediation in Labour Disputes (420/1962, amendments up to 477/2011 included) //

4. Act on Cooperation Ombudsman (216/2010) //

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