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Рік заснування видання - 2014


23.09.2019 17:31

[Секція 8. Інтелектуальна власність та його захист. Інформаційне право]

Автор: Федорук Аліна Дмитрівна, студентка, Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара

A huge number of works are posted on the Internet without the consent of the copyright holders. Increasingly, the question arises of compliance with copyright in the World Wide Web.

Copyright laws apply, of course, to the Internet. There are no restrictions or special reservations that the copyright rules on the Internet act otherwise. 

Сopyright on the Internet is protected from infringement by the same methods provided for by national legislation, including judicially through civil, administrative or criminal proceedings. The only difference is that the ease of copying and the intangible nature of copyright objects on the Internet does not just as easily solve the problem of providing evidence of copyright infringement.

The protection of intellectual property on the Internet can fall into a number of areas that correspond to certain areas protected by copyright and industrial property law [2]:

1) protection of rights to the textual content (content) of the site - as an object of copyright in a literary work;

2) protection of rights to graphic elements (website design) - as an object of copyright in a graphic work;

3) protection of rights to a domain name - as an object of the right to a trademark or company name;

4) protection of rights to the site as a software - as an object of copyright in a computer program.

The methods of copyright confirmation on the text content (content) of a site can be the following [1]:

1. Obtaining a Certificate of Copyright Registration through «UkrPatent»

2. Deposit of a copy of the text in a special depository or in an independent depository. In this case, a certificate of deposit of the manuscript is issued.

3. Conducting a notary inspection of the text published on the Internet with the preparation of an appropriate protocol for the examination of evidence.

Legal methods of protecting a domain from encroachment may consist in the registration of a trademark or registration of a legal entity with a name similar to a domain name. Registration of a trademark may include the following procedures:

1) registration in «UkrPatent»;

2) international registration (under the Madrid Agreement);

3) European registration;

4) distribution of a trademark to a particular state.

The site is inherently a combination of software, and can be represented as software code. At the same time, you can use these methods of copyright protection [1]:

1) software registration in «UkrPatent»;

2) clause on transfer of software rights in the contract for the development of the site;

3) conclusion of a license agreement with the copyright holder of certain parts of the site code.

It is necessary to solve the problems of intellectual property through innovations: the development of methods of protection against hacking databases and so on. Indeed, the development of modern technology provides a person with a savvy lot of opportunities not only to commit a crime against intellectual property, but also to go unpunished. It is necessary to fight piracy, not only technically, but also legislatively, establishing and improving legislative and legal acts. 


1. Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" of the Verkhovna Rada, 1994, art.64 In the edition of the Law N 2627-III (2627-14) from 11.07.2001, IVV, 2001, N 43, ст.214

2. Sverdlyk G., Malakhov S. Civil relations Online // Guarantor 5.1., 2001, p. 49

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