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Рік заснування видання - 2014


24.09.2019 14:22

[Секція 8. Інтелектуальна власність та його захист. Інформаційне право]

Автор: Emilia Sielicka, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland; Alicja Choma, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland; Damian Kowalczyk, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland


The etymology of the word "plagiarism" is derived from the Latin word "plagiatus" which means stolen. This expression is used in colloquial language and means the theft by someone else's work, a part of this work, or even just a few sentences. Plagiarism is turning in someone else's work without footnote and citation. It is also called intellectual theft [Całoszyńska, 2010]. Plagiarism is not a new phenomenon and has existed from centuries. It was not always treated as theft. However, plagiarism always was associated with negative feelings. Nowadays, in Internet age, we meet with plagiarism more often. Most people do not realize that plagiarism is a crime. [Sołtysiak, 2009].

Science and plagiarism in law

Plagiarism is not only ethically reprehensible but it is also a crime affected by penalty in the sphere of civil law. The criminal adjustment regard to this situation is contained in the article. 115 paragraph 1. 1 on The Law of Copyright and Related Rights: "somebody who usurps the authorship or misleads the authorship of work or part of someone else's work or performance, is subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or imprisonment for 3 years.” [Czerwiński, 2013]. People are unconscious of the context of plagiarism in the law and also are unconscious of consequences of plagiarism. Plagiarism is forbidden in legal standards of private and public law and could have consequences in these two areas [Czerwiński, 2013]. Unfair use of someone else's idea is not the proof of crime according to article 115 paragraphs 1. Even in the case of research activities, where an idea is fundamental, the application of article 115 paragraphs 1 is not applicable, until the acquisition of the copyrighted expression take place. It does not eliminate obvious ethical objections, for example use by the editor or reviewer of the journal the idea from article, which previous got refusal opinion and was not published [Drenth, 2005], [Ferenc-Szydełko, 2014]. The purpose of use someone else's work and mislead about the authorship of this work is not important. In the same way is treated the offender leaded by economic motives, as well as desired to gain recognition in the scientific community. For criminal liability do not have the importance the fact that the text which was used unlawfully was less popular on the market than the product of the plagiarism offender [Ferenc-Szydełko, 2014].

Of course it is not possible to create new, valuable text without other researchers’ solutions. Each work especially in scientific area could not be created in isolation from its predecessors. It is natural and obvious to inspire by them during scientific work. The view on this subject was expressed by the Supreme Court in its judgment from 10 May 1963, (II) CR 128/63 " If the work was just use to create someone else's work and the author does not take to work fragments or content form someone else's work, this work is treated as independent.” Not only inspiration by someone else's work is in copyright law allowed, but also taking it is even possible to quoting parts of works of other authors. In article 29 (1) 1-3 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights it is called as the "right of quotation" [Całoszyńska, 2010].


Plagiarism causes natural objection of conscientious. However, it is the assessment of morality, which in the perception of the law often is insufficient to establish that something is acceptable or not. There is a need for effective application of the anti-plagiarism and anti-pathological rights. Efforts of assessment of plagiarism as a legal phenomenon are undertaken. What's more, it is important to define the consequences of plagiarism [Czerwiński, 2013].


1. Cołoszyńska, Z., 2010,  Problemy z ochrona własności intelektualnej na przykładzie plagiatów naukowych, Prokurator, vol. 4, 

2. Czerwiński, T., 2013, Plagiat naukowy w perspektywie akademickiej. Wybrane problemy, Perspectiva, vol 1, no 22. 

3. Drenth, P., 2005, Rzetelność w nauce, Zagadnienia naukoznawstwa vol. 3-4, p. 341-349 [access: 20.02.2019].

4. Ferenc-Szydełko, E. 2014, Ustawa o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. Komentarz, Warszawa.

5. Sołtysiak, S., 2009, Plagiat. Zarys problemu. AlmaMer, Warszawa. [access: 20.02.2019]

6. Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. Dz. U. 1994 no 24 p. 83

7. [access: 23.02.2019]

8. [access:23.02.2019]

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