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Рік заснування видання - 2014


24.10.2019 11:23

[Секція 2. Менеджмент]

Автор: Kotyk Daria, student, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

The priority task facing the economy of our country is to increase the competitiveness of national producers, which include industrial enterprises and industries.

The general situation in the economy today is characterized by a weakening of scientific, technical, technological, personnel potential, and a reduction in research in strategically important areas of innovative development. This leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in terms of product quality. Assessing the current competitive opportunities of the economy, it is necessary to take into account the high energy, material, and labor intensity of most types of manufactured products, which increases production costs and worsens the competitive position of goods on world markets in terms of prices.

At the same time, non-price factors are becoming increasingly important in the world for the development of competitiveness, the most important of which are the quality of the product and its novelty. The "consumer market", which replaced the "producer market", is characterized by the fact that new products began to enter the market in a shorter time. Accelerating production means reducing the time for the research and development process, for the entire production and financial cycle, making them more flexible. Therefore, competition in new industries is not only due to lower production costs, but primarily due to the production of goods that a competitor cannot produce. Under these conditions, performance indicators are: the number of new goods produced per unit time; time spent on new products entering the market; the share of innovative products, etc. In modern economic conditions, it is not the ability to produce a large number of already mastered types of products that is appreciated, but the ability to produce fundamentally new products faster than competitors that meet the requirements of customers. The quality, novelty, science and intelligence of products come to the fore in world practice.

The connection of competitiveness with labor productivity is one of the most important scientific problems. Significant reserves of growth in competitiveness are inherent in a possible increase in the productivity of aggregate labor.

In the long term, the competitiveness of an enterprise is determined by its resource potential and the level of management quality. Therefore, to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account resource factors that determine its potential and process factors that affect the growth of the quality of company management, which ultimately boils down to the competent attraction and optimal use of available resources and is directly related to an increase in the productivity of total labor. In this regard, we can distinguish such main directions of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of industrial enterprises as the development of quality management, the formation and buildup of human capital, and the development of technological and technological innovations.

Development of quality management. This direction implies a whole system of organizational elements of enterprise management: organizational structure and production management system, management procedures and technologies for their implementation, degree of automation of the management system, management style.

A significant reserve of management effectiveness is the awareness of the enterprise management about new equipment and technologies, its competence in the field of labor organization and the development of organizational culture. It is required to create conditions for the formation of an appropriate informational, methodological, educational and organizational base in order to master the heads and specialists of enterprises with modern management tools.

The formation and buildup of human capital. In the study of human capital, the general (knowledge, skills, ways of perception that people get in the formal education system) and specific (knowledge, skills that are acquired in the course of production activities directly at the workplace) human capital is distinguished.

The accumulation of total human capital provides a significant increase in labor productivity. A special role in this process belongs to education, both general and professional, whose significance will undoubtedly increase. Education performs the most important function - the formation of human capital as the development and improvement of the active element of the production process. The fulfillment of this function makes the sphere of education in the long term a key link in the reproductive system, on which the effectiveness of the activity of all other links depends, i.e., determines the final level of social labor productivity. Currently, the concept of continuing education has become quite widespread throughout the world. The concept is such a general concept as “continuity”, which expresses a new way of educational activity. The novelty of this method, in contrast to the traditional one, is that education continues throughout the entire working life of a person and determines the creation of such systems that should accompany the person throughout life, contribute to its continuous development and improvement, and involve in the continuous process of mastering new knowledge, necessary for changing conditions, stimulate the need for continuous self-education.

Human capital reaches the highest level of development in innovative organizations, which are increasingly called self-learning. The idea of forming such an organization is based on the approach according to which each company is able to learn and constantly improve itself [1].

Self-learning organizations are able to create, acquire and retain knowledge, extracting them from their own experience and responding to market demands. Consequently, the main factors in the development of the innovative potential of the personnel of such organizations are the growth of the effectiveness of knowledge management and the formation of an innovative corporate culture. They are characterized by high personnel efficiency, minimal involvement of external resources for changes, self-renewal ability, high vitality, prompt response to external influences [2].

The formation of an effective system of in-company training should meet the perspective goals and objectives of the company. Within the framework of the developed system, two-level programs can be formed: the first level - programs based on personnel training, and the second level - innovative programs aimed at solving urgent problems of improving production, knowledge management and applying the results to the development of new types of products. Organizational learning must be used as a continuing source of competitive advantage. This becomes possible in the conditions of the transformation of enterprises into self-learning organizations, developing their intellectual assets and creating an organizational knowledge management system that includes a set of measures and procedures for disseminating existing knowledge and creating new knowledge through various forms of involving employees in a continuous process of personal and organizational self-improvement.

In my opinion, it is advisable to create a corporate center for education and development as a basis for the education and training of all categories of personnel - from workers to managers. A special place in the corporate training system should be assigned to line managers forming a reserve from which the top management group will be replenished. This will allow the selection of young promising managers, will contribute to the accelerated growth of their professionalism [3].

Development of technical and technological innovations. A new approach in theory and practice today is the interpretation of innovation as a parallel process that combines the influence of market factors with an increase in the productivity of the aggregate labor of an enterprise in order to achieve market competitive advantages by outstripping competitors in time. Therefore, innovation is becoming a tool that ensures long-term competitiveness of the enterprise. As a result, a relationship arises: the implementation of technological and technological innovations -> increased productivity of aggregate labor and product quality -> increased enterprise competitiveness [4].

One of the barriers to innovative transformation is an acute shortage of information on advanced domestic and foreign technologies.

In view of the above, a rather promising direction that creates competitive advantages in the use of innovative technologies, in my opinion, may be the formation of industrial clusters. A cluster is a group of geographically neighboring, interacting companies and related organizations working in a certain area, characterized by common activities and complementary to each other [5]. They are based on the concentration and specialization of industrial production, which can significantly reduce the unit costs of enterprises and improve the quality of products.

The advantages of clusters are obvious: they are more effective than industries, use important connections, complementarity of industries, actively disseminate technology, experience, information, better coordinate their activities with the nature of competition and sources of achieving competitive advantages. All this contributes to the speedy introduction of innovations and the growth of the productivity of aggregate labor. Most of the cluster members do not directly compete with each other, but simply serve different segments of the industry. However, they have many common needs and opportunities, they encounter many similar obstacles and limitations on the way to increasing labor productivity. The perception of a group of enterprises and organizations as a cluster allows us to identify favorable conditions for the coordination of functions and beneficial mutual influence in the areas of common interests without threatening to limit the intensity of competition. The cluster helps to conduct a constructive dialogue between related companies and suppliers, with the government, other institutions (universities, cooperation organizations, research laboratories). Finally, geographically, the concentration of clusters occurs due to the fact that the close proximity of enterprises contributes to the emergence of many advantages for introducing innovations and increasing productivity: the costs of transactions are reduced, the search for information and its exchange are simplified.


1. Emelyanov, S.V. International competitiveness of American manufacturers: company policy and competitive advantages, / S.V. Emelyanov // Labor Abroad. 2002. No. 2. (in Russian)

2. Porter, M. Competition: Textbook. allowance / M. Porter. M.: Williams, 2000. (in Russian)

3. Senge, P. M. Fifth discipline: the art and practice of self-learning organization / Peter M. Senge. M.: Olympus Business, 2003. (in Russian)

4. Fathutdinov, R. A. Management of organization competitiveness: a textbook / R. A. Fathutdinov. M.: EXMO, 2005. (in Russian)

5. Schmidt, V. R. Organization of industrial training in developed countries of the West / V. R. Schmidt // Labor abroad. 2005. No. 3. (in Russian)

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