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Рік заснування видання - 2014


26.11.2019 20:49

[Секція 4. Кримінальне право. Кримінальне процесуальне право. Криміналістика. Кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право. Судоустрій. Правоохоронні органи, прокуратура та адвокатура]

Автор: Yakimtsova Oleksandra, second-year-student of Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University

At present, intellectual property is one of the most important components in the economy and national wealth of the countries, and the dynamic development of its objects and the mechanism of commercialization, the breadth of use attract the attention of many scientists, which leads to a detailed study of this phenomenon.

Generally, intellectual property is the result of creative human activity: inventions of human activity, utility models, industrial designs, signs for goods and services, service marks, trade marks, commercial designations, information products, breeding achievements, etc. Considering, these are the results of scientific, technical and artistic creativity of a person, which can be used in any way in economic activity. As a result, the legal consolidation of the rules of using the results of intellectual activity becomes a prerequisite for the development of science, culture and technology of the state.

Innovative model of development is based on the effective use of intellectual potential, large-scale introduction into the economic circulation of intellectual work products, sharp increase in the volume of intellectual property turnover, purposeful and systematic reproduction of high-tech industries that form the core of the latest technology.

Knowledge is becoming the driving force behind the innovative development in modern society, creative mental activity becomes a priority strategic activity and the problems of stimulating and protecting intellectual property become the priority for both individual states and for the world community as a whole.

At the same time, issues of intellectual property protection are increasingly becoming political problems related to economic security through the comprehensive intellectualization of the modern world economy and require strategic and immediate approaches to their solution.

For a long time, the legal regulation of relations arising from the use of intellectual property was considered a task of national states, but the countries in different ways tried to regulate the balance between the rights of creators to their works and the right of society to free access to these works. As a result, there were certain discrepancies between the various national laws on the protection of intellectual property rights. This could lead to the use of an intellectual property product without the consent of the owner and without paying him a fee, as well as the loss of some countries' rights to new technologies.

Although the global system of legal protection of intellectual property is almost formed now. Ukraine adapts to it because of its intention to develop as an integral part of the world community.

In order to ensure the legal protection of intellectual property objects at national level, institutions are created departments, services, institutes.

The intensification of international cooperation on this issue was realized in the adoption of the TRIPS agreement within the framework of the WTO, an international organization which the most effective international legal mechanism for counteracting the violation in the field of legal protection of intellectual property was developed in, based on the systematization and improvement of all previous achievements secured in previously concluded international agreements. The TRIPS agreement is one example of an international treaty of the new generation, which provides legal protection to the changes in the life of the international community, which today are commonly referred to as "globalization", and reflects the processes that are taking place.

To sum up, it should be mentioned that from the decision of the issues of creating an effective system of protection of intellectual property the strength of the foundation of the innovative model of Ukraine's development, its modernization, economic situation, and increasing of competitiveness in the world social and economic system depends.This also applies to the creation of a civilized market environment in which both entrepreneurs and consumers would be reliably protected from unfair competition related to the unlawful use of intellectual property objects and the production of counterfeit goods. This is what the state system of legal protection of intellectual property of Ukraine promotes.

Therefore, taking into account the experience of other countries, we can conclude that the main principles of the implementation of state policy should be the concentration of resources in the priority areas of science and technology development, the organization of innovation activities, legal protection and protection of the results of scientific objects of intellectual property.

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