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Рік заснування видання - 2014


14.02.2020 13:18

[Секція 2. Менеджмент]

Автор: Dumik Natalia Anatolievna, National centre of science Institute of agrarian economy

Now various models and techniques of an estimation of the personnel are developed and approved, however the standard technique is not present till now. With reference to an estimation of system effectiveness of human resource management existing approaches and techniques can be broken into three groups: first, the techniques which are guided by the end results of activity of the organisation (volumes of output, the cost price, profit, profitability, productivity etc.); secondly, techniques with an exit on labour indicators and indicators of social character (labour productivity, working hours use, performance of performance standards, motivation, satisfaction work, a socially-psychological climate); thirdly, the techniques containing attempt to estimate results of activity of directly control system by the personnel (degree of achievement of objects in view in a control system of the personnel, degree of realisation of requirements to effective functioning of the given system). To elements of system of an estimation carry: the subject of an estimation, object of an estimation, an estimation subject, criteria of an estimation, an estimation method, periodicity of carrying out of an estimation, integration with other subsystems of human resource management [1].

The effective system of an estimation of the personnel should be integrated with other subsystems of human resource management, for example, with a subsystem of management of hiring and the personnel account, with a subsystem of management of personnel development, a subsystem of management of motivation of behaviour of employees, a subsystem of management of labour activity, a subsystem of information support of human resource management. It means that for increase of system effectiveness of an estimation it should be really working tool of influence on organizational behaviour of employees, instead of to exist in the organisation formally. The big integration potential has formation of system of an estimation on a basis competence and other approaches.

The factors influencing system effectiveness of an estimation of the personnel, it is possible to classify to various signs, for example, it is possible to allocate: external both internal; objective and subjective; positive and negative; economic, political, technological and socially cultural. Some researchers in separate groups allocate ecological factors; the factor of the account of groups of interests, and also it is natural - biological, socially - economic, technical - organizational, socially - psychological.

With a view of the analysis of efficiency of actions for an assessment of works and workers it is necessary to define following kinds of expenses: expenses for research of level of return of the occupied workers; expenses for a choice of systems of an estimation for different categories of workers and organisation divisions; expenses for formation of staff of professional appraisers; expenses for introduction of system of an estimation in practice. It is not less important to define effect at the expense of growth of labour productivity of the personnel by effective control behind their work; effect at the expense of reduction of number of the occupied workers; effect at the expense of growth of quality of works, and also effect at the expense of more accurate fastening of duties to each worker [2].

Along with the analysis of economic efficiency of actions for an assessment of works and workers it is necessary to define and social efficiency which is characterised both achievement of positive changes in the organisation, and prevention of negative changes from the social point of view.

As positive changes it is possible to consider improvement of placement of personnel by results of the spent estimation; fuller realisation of labour potential of workers, disclosing of their abilities; personnel development; maintenance of conformity of qualification of workers to requirements of workplaces, and also maintenance of conformity of the maintenance of work to interests and abilities of workers; improvement of a socially-psychological climate in collective; decrease in level of a conflictness in the organisation; improvement of quality of labour life; maintenance of stability of the personnel; formation of favorable image of the organisation as employer. The indicators, allowing to measure social efficiency of actions for perfection of system of an assessment of works and workers, are: reduction of quantity of the workers who are not corresponding on a skill level to requirements of workplaces; reduction of volumes of overtime works counting on one worker; reduction of number of conflicts in connection with unreasonable dismissal of the personnel; increase in a share of the workers satisfied with the maintenance of work and an operating mode; decrease in turnover of staff [3].

Hence, system effectiveness of an estimation of the personnel influence set of factors both objective, and subjective character. For the analysis of system effectiveness of an estimation of the personnel it is expedient to use the techniques, allowing to analyse in a cut of separate elements of system of an estimation. Such elements concern: the subject, object, a subject of an estimation of the personnel, methods, periodicity, procedure, and also integration with other subsystems of human resource management. For each of elements the indicators and criteria of an estimation are offered. Practical application of a technique is connected with adaptation to features of activity of the organisation, and also functioning of a control system by the personnel. The poelementnyj approach to the analysis of system effectiveness of an estimation of the personnel will allow not only to raise quality of realisation of function of an estimation of the personnel, but also will influence management efficiency the organisation personnel as a whole through possibilities of integration of system of an estimation with other subsystems of human resource management.


1. Agarwal D., Lahiri G. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends: The rise of the social enterprise. Режим доступу: https: // www 2. deloitte. Com / insights / us/ en / focus / human-capital-trends / 2018

2. Johnson D. Applying the career management framework. Bersin by Deloitte. 2016. Р. 11-113.

3. Pelster B., Johnson D. Careers and learning: Real time, all the time. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends: Rewriting the rules for the digital age. 2017. Р. 103.

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