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Рік заснування видання - 2014


17.02.2020 15:02

[Секція 4. Кримінальне право. Кримінальне процесуальне право. Криміналістика. Кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право. Судоустрій. Правоохоронні органи, прокуратура та адвокатура]

Автор: Miakota Oksana Viktorivna, student, Faculty of Law, Ternopil national university of economics

Actuality of theme. Today, the protection of national statehood and the fight against organized crime and the fight against corruption are key problems these exist in our country. Therefore, in order to ensure and counteract these negative phenomena, one of the most powerful law enforcement agencies, namely the Security Service of Ukraine, was created.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of ensuring the protection of the national sovereignty of the state and its territories, as well as international and national experience in the exercise of these functions, have repeatedly attracted the attention of such scientists as: Kokin SA, Okipniuk VT, V.S. Zelenetsky. A.F. Zelinsky, M.Y. Korzhansky, OM Kostenko, V.M. Kudryavtseva, NF Kuznetsova, OM Litvak, MI Melnika, G.M. Minkovsky, MI Panova.

The purpose of the article is to determine the place of the Security Service of Ukraine in the system of subjects of fight against crime; to find out the characteristic features inherent in the Security Service of Ukraine as a law enforcement agency which has special purpose.

Presenting main material. On March 25, 1992, a new Law of Ukraine was adopted that played an important role in the further development and reform of law enforcement agencies, called, "On the Security Service of Ukraine". Preventing, detecting and exposing crimes against the peace and security of mankind, terrorism, corruption and organized crime in the areas of governance, the economy and other unlawful acts that directly threaten Ukraine's vital interests are the main priorities of the work of such a powerful security body as Ukraine. In addition, this state structure is today a state body of special purpose, with law enforcement functions that ensures the national security of Ukraine. Reported to the President of Ukraine. 

The main principles of labor are legality, justice, transparency, the rule of law, the protection of all human and citizens their rights and freedoms. The priority functions of the Security Service of Ukraine are protection of state sovereignty, constitutional order, territorial integrity, economic, scientific and technical, defense potential of Ukraine, legitimate interests of the state and citizens' rights from the intelligence activities of foreign special services, subversive encroachments on the part of individual organizations and individuals. In addition, this law enforcement agency has certain features that distinguish it from other bodies, in particular: the presence of a special purpose, the implementation of separate law enforcement activities, the investigation of only certain categories of offenses, has a special legal status, and its own development strategy [3, p. 1].

Therefore, the role and place of the Security Service in the system of other law enforcement agencies lies primarily in its particular legal status and its competences. Therefore, the main activity The security service of Ukraine was and is counterintelligence. 

The tasks of the Security Service of Ukraine as specifically mandated of a new government body in the field of counterintelligence activities are the following: 1) extraction, analysis, the accurate processing and use of information that contains signs or facts of intelligence, terrorism and other activities of special services of foreign countries, as well as organizations, individual groups and persons at to the state security of Ukraine. Therefore, the activity of the Security Service of Ukrainein the field of international cooperation is aimed at maximum assistance in the implementation of the main onesthe tasks of the Service through counteracting national and international security threats with our partners terrorism, international organized crime, cybercrime, the proliferation the fight against corruption, smuggling, and illegal migration [3, p. 23].

Conclusions. So, in my opinion, the Security Service of Ukraine plays an important role in the system of other bodies that ensure the security of Ukraine. In addition, this institution occupies a leading position in the exercise of its authority at the highest level in compliance with all rules of Ukrainian law. Also, the specific status confirms the nature and degree of severity of the investigation of those unlawful actions aimed at preventing and stopping the efforts of the Security Service of Ukraine. After all, crimes against peace and security of mankind, terrorism, corruption and organized crime are those criminal offenses that affect the legitimate interests of not one person but the entire community and may have an interstate character.


1. CRIMINAL PROCESSUAL CODE OF UKRAINE. - S .: "GDP Natis Ltd.", 2018 – 336p.

2. Legal dictionary / Ed. VM Koretsky and others. K, 1983 – 871p.

3. Law of Ukraine "About the Security Service of Ukraine"/ TheVerkhovnaRada of Ukraine. - Officer kind. - Kyiv: Parlami. Kind-in, 1992, № 27 – 382 p

4. The Constitution of Ukraine - X.: Odysseus Ltd, 2008. 48p

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