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Рік заснування видання - 2014


29.02.2020 11:15

[Секція 2. Конституційне право. Конституційне процесуальне право. Міжнародне право]

Автор: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

The practice of implementation by the government authorities of coordination standards of law in the UK is quite diverse, and there are both positive and negative (individual flaws) examples of this kind of implementation.

For example, the parameters of coordination were regulated more clearly and unambiguously: «A coordinator shall give written notice to the Secretary of State of such additional rules established by the air transport industry worldwide or within the European Community as that coordinator has taken into account in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 8 of the council regulation. Conditions for airport coordination: 3. An airport which, prior to the operative date, was designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with Article 3 of the original council regulation as a coordinated airport shall be deemed to have been designated in accordance with Article 3 of the council regulation as a schedules facilitated airport. An airport which, prior to the operative date, was designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with Article 3 of the original council regulation as a fully coordinated airport shall be deemed to have been designated in accordance with Article 3 of the council regulation as a coordinated airport. Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), the managing body of an airport — with no designation status; or which has been designated (or deemed to have been designated by paragraph (1)) as a schedules facilitated airport, shall carry out a thorough capacity analysis in the circumstances specified in (and in accordance with) paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the council regulation. The managing body of an airport specified in paragraph (3) may appoint any competent body to carry out a capacity analysis. The Secretary of State may by written notice served on the managing body of an airport specified in paragraph (3) appoint any competent body to carry out a capacity analysis, if it appears to the Secretary of State that the managing body is not willing or able to do so. The managing body of an airport specified in paragraph (3) shall bear the costs of any appointment pursuant to paragraph (4) or shall reimburse the cost of any appointment made pursuant to paragraph (5). On request made by the Secretary of State by written notice served on the CAA, the CAA shall publish in its publication entitled “United Kingdom Air Pilot” notice of any determination by the Secretary of State in accordance with Article 3 of the council regulation that an airport shall be (or shall cease to be) designated as a — (a)schedules facilitated airport; or (b)coordinated airport» [1].

We specifically cited an example from this kind of “special” sphere in order to show how the coordination norms of law are implemented in the practice of public authorities of Great Britain regardless of the general direction of actions.

In this regard, it can be noted as a drawback of the practice of implementing coordination norms that the fact that in British law it is extremely rare to establish specific forms of coordination interaction, although there are methods for the mutual transfer of information, principles of distribution of powers, etc. Unfortunately, we do not see any fixation of the requirements for the form and content of coordination decisions; the problems of the responsibility of civil servants for non-fulfillment of coordination decisions have not been covered, which has already been noted in the literature [2; 32]. 


1. The Airports Slot Allocation Regulations 2006 //

2. Maksurov A.A. Coordination in legal systems of the countries of Europe. Part I. Monograph - M.: Rusyns, 2018.

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