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Рік заснування видання - 2014


23.06.2020 22:06

[Секція 1. Теорія та історія держави і права. Філософія права. Історія політичних і правових вчень]

Автор: Горєлова Вероніка Юріївна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри державно-правових дисциплін, Університет «КРОК»

The COVID-19 pandemic has left doctors around the world with a tough priority. High-quality and affordable medicine is the calling card of any state, because a healthy nation is the future of the country, and caring for a person is the foundation of medical activity, the meaning of its existence, the foundation on which the human rights system is built. It is necessary to develop ethical instructions for doctors in a pandemic, because in this case we have two vulnerabilities: the doctor and the patient.

Today, the main ethical principles from which all other ethical norms follow, according to the guidelines of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe on Bioethics are the need to respect and protect human dignity and "the principle of human priority" [1, p.10]. The rights of every person are inalienable and inviolable (Article 21) [2], and the rights of patients (the right of temporarily ill people) are derived from the rules established by law. Thus, the rights of patients in a broad sense - is enshrined in the law of law in the field of health care, and in a narrow sense - is a subjective, real relationship between the doctor (medical institution) and the patient in need of care. According to Art. 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On protection of the population from infectious diseases",a person who has contracted an infectious disease or is a carrier, has the right to: free treatment in state and municipal health care facilities and public research institutions; obtaining reliable information about the results of medical examination, examination and treatment; obtaining recommendations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases;appeal to the court with claims for damages in cases of damage to health and (or) property due to violation of legislation on protection of the population from infectious diseases [3].

Thus, Ukraine takes responsibility for a sick person. However, this law has certain limitations. For example, this applies to the epidemiological search for cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by mandatory testing (Article 35-1); obligation of medical workers in case of detection of a patient with an infectious disease to take measures for his temporary isolation (Article 38) [3].

In our opinion, it is necessary to minimize society's pressure on doctors, but for this society must trust the doctor, believe that the doctor acts legally and fairly, with full efficiency, and not as a result of benefit, error or laziness. And such trus is catastrophically small today.


1. A guide for members of Research Ethics Committees. Steering Committee on Bioethics. Council of Europe, October 2012. 62 с. URL: https://rm.coe.int/1680307ec3

2. Constitution of Ukraine. URL: ttps://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254к/96-вр

3. Law of Ukraine "On protection of the population from infectious diseases".URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1645-14

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