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Рік заснування видання - 2014


21.10.2022 17:33

[15. Психологічні науки]

Автор: Hnidoi Ihor, Ph.D., International Humanitarian University, Odesa; Hnida Natalia, Odesa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Lead is a cumulative toxicant that affects multiple body systems and is particularly harmful to young children. Lead can affect children’s brain development, resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioural changes such as reduced attention span and increased antisocial behaviour, and reduced educational attainment [1].

The purpose of this investigation was to study the indicators of cognitive and behavioural sphere according to the subjective data of Ukrainian children depending on the level of lead in their blood.

81 children of a random sample aged from 7 to 15 years were examined. Determination of lead was carried out in heparinized venous blood by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry with electro-thermal atomization. The state of the cognitive and behavioural sphere was assessed using survey. 

Correlation of school performance with lead accumulation in the body showed that with poor performance this level was average 93.02±16.33μg/l, n=14; with satisfactory success - 60.98±7.53μg/l, n=43; with good marks in school - 61.10±7.92μg/l, n=29; with excellent success - 43.94±13.29μg/l, n=5.

To establish the dependence of questionnaire data on the level of lead in the blood, the children were divided into 4 groups: 1) up to 69 μg/l, n = 56; 2) 70-99 μg/l, n = 16; 3) 100-149 μg/l, n = 14; 4) 150 μg/l and more, n = 5. It is known that not only the blood lead level can affect the studied indicators, but also, first, age, sex, the presence of certain diseases can affect. To establish homogeneity according to these factors of the selected groups of children, the χ2 test was calculated. This method, which also called "analysis of proportions", allows to provide statistically evenness or unevenness of the distribution of certain features in groups. Rating χ2 calculations showed that the groups were homogeneous, hence the differences in the data the questionnaire could be explained in this case only by a different level lead in the blood.

The results of the questionnaire revealed: such disorders of the cognitive sphere as poor ability to remember or concentrate, or distracted attention, deviation in sociability, impaired ability to perceive school programs or adaptations to the conditions of the school/children's team met in 42% of children with blood lead content in the range from 0 to 69 μg/l. Among children with a higher blood lead content, from 70 to 99 μg/l, similar violations were found in a larger percentage - 62%. In a group with content lead from 100 to 149 μg/l - in 71%, with a lead level over 150 μg/l - in 67%. Differences in cognitive and behavioural indicators between groups with different lead concentrations were statistically significant according to the χ2 test, which was equal to 9.742, p<0.05.

Thus, the frequency of violations significantly increased with the increase blood lead levels. It should be emphasized that these data are based on rather approximate estimates, which could be obtained during the questionnaire from the words of children or their parents. But even with an approximate assessment of the specified indicators, a clear tendency to decrease the success of children with an increase in the level of lead in the blood and the presence of several violations of the intellectual-mnestic sphere. Our results are in accordance with the literature data [1] about neurotoxic effect of environmentally determined doses of lead on children organism.


1. Lead poisoning ( 31 August 2022.

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