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Рік заснування видання - 2014


29.08.2023 13:41

[4. Педагогічні науки]

Автор: Malvina Mikitina, Department of English and methods of its teaching, Uman State Pavlo Tychyna Pedagogical University

Modal verbs are important for those who are learning English, because if you learn to use them skillfully, you can significantly improve your level. By themselves, they have no meaning, but can change the meaning of other verbs with which they are usually used.

The assignment of modal verbs is naturally difficult because in our language family there is no such phenomenon, and certainly there is not such an abundance of different words to express different degrees of one's intention.

Modal verbs are a small group of special verbs that do not express an action or state, but reflect the speaker's attitude to the action. Modal verbs are never used without a semantic verb. Even if a semantic verb is not used, it is implied (for example, in short answers to questions) [1].

Modal verbs are not used independently and do not denote a specific action, but reflect the speaker's attitude to the action, i.e. modality. This is their secret - simplicity and complexity at the same time.

Features of modal verbs:

• they do not have the form of the 3rd person singular present tense, that is, they are not put with "-s" at the end.

• there is no infinitive, -ing form or participle; never answer the question what to do / what to do?

• only the "Infinitive" form without the "to" particle is required after themselves (the exception is "ought to", "have (got) to" and "be to"). 

• interrogative and negative forms of sentences are constructed without the auxiliary verb "do", with the exception of the verb "have to".

• the verbs “have”, “be”, “should” can be not only modal, but also auxiliary, and the verbs “need”, “have”, “be”, “get” can also be semantic.

• by their properties, English modal verbs, except for “have to”, “have got to”, “be to”, “dare”, are insufficient, that is, they do not have personal forms, and therefore do not form complex verb forms.

Although modal verbs are quite interesting and easy to use, having multiple meanings in one grammar unit is an obstacle for students. 

In our pedagogical establishment students of the Faculty of foreign languages learn how to use modals practically on the course of English Grammar during their second year of education. The theory is combined with the practice, but our experience shows that its more useful to go through practice. It may be concerned that the usage of theoretical aspect should be reduced and be used only during practical aspect of working with modals.

We would like to present our own experience on the example of working with Modal Verbs Must / Have to / Have got to. In the table it is presented the way how we give students theoretical aspect. The same time they make their own examples.

Table 1. The usage of Modal Verbs Must / Have to / Have got to.

Logically. The next step is to practice more. We present some exercises that are used on our classes. The order od tasks gives an opportunity to learn the material more logically and gradually [2].

1. Comment on the meaning and the form of the modal verbs must and may. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 

1. Harry, you are horrible! You mustn’t say these dreadful things. – It is a strong prohibition. 

2. Nothing must be done in a hurry. 

3. You and I are friends, Basil, and we must always remain so. 

4. I’m afraid I must be going, Peter. 

5. ‘Perhaps he’s her son…’ ‘He may be her husband’. ‘Oh, but the difference in their ages!

2. Answer these questions using the modal verb must + a notional verb.

1. ‘Is he British?’ – Yes, he must be British.

2. ‘Are they married?’ – Yes, they must …

3. ‘Is he serious?’ – No, …

4. ‘Were they in a hurry?’ – …

5. ‘Does Ann know a lot of people?’ – … 3. Read these situations and make up a sentence using the modal must  with the proper form of the infinitive.

1. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. (to be asleep) I must have been 


2. That dress you bought is of very good quality. (to be very expensive)

3. I haven’t seen Jim for ages. (to go away)

4. I wonder where my umbrella is. (to leave)

5. Don passed the examination. (to work hard)

In the case of using the variety of exercises we found out that the present of better learning increased.

Modal verbs precede the main verb to give more information about the function of a verb. These verbs are used to express probability, possibility, ability, obligation, advice, permission, prohibition, lack of necessity, habits. Our statistical data, collected during the study of this topic by students of the faculty of foreign languages of a pedagogical university, will indicate a positive experience of using practical application over theory.


1. Cambridge Dictionary Official Website.

2. English Grammar in Use: Part 1 – the Subjunctive Mood and Modals: навчальний посібник для студ. 2 курсу факультетів іноземних мов / укл. Бондарук Я. В., Деркач С.П. 2-ге вид., переробл. і допов. Умань, 2020. 130 c.

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