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Рік заснування видання - 2014


13.10.2023 20:19

[8. Філологічні науки]

Автор: Sofiia Olehivna Panchuk, student, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University

The formation of professional and personal competencies is a leading component, as they contribute to success in future professional activities, ensure competitiveness in modern society. Studies [1], [2] studying the motivation for choosing a profession and the awareness of higher education students of the requirements for a modern specialist showed a decline in the reasons for the prestige of the teaching profession due to the social situation in the country; shift of professional motives for choosing a profession before graduating from a higher education institution to low ranks; a superficial awareness of the requirements for a modern teacher.

With the aim of forming professional and personal competencies, awareness of problematic situations, struggle of motives, reassessment of values and their use in specific real situations, active learning methods were used during the study of the main components of professional training. When conducting practical classes, the system-forming factor of self-knowledge was taken into account as a leading component of the integration of theoretical knowledge into the consciousness of the future teacher, on the basis of which the transfer of meanings and values to one's own actions and deeds, increasing self-activity and, as a result, personal growth takes place. The forms of practical classes were conversations, debates, discussions of pedagogical situations, training exercises, introspection, role-playing games, etc. The system of exercises, disputes, problem situations were selected taking into account their gradual formation in the image of "I"-professional. After all, in each lesson, students of higher education specified their own ideas about themselves, had the opportunity to expand the territory of "I", to realize the importance of the formation of professional values. Within the framework of classes, the teacher should help the student "acquire exactly the kind of competence that will help establish contacts with representatives of other cultures, and in situations of misunderstanding or intercultural conflict will enable him to act as a mediator. Foreign language classes should also form openness to other cultures, the ability to overcome stereotypes and a way of thinking that is ready to accept other cultural models while preserving one's own identity" [3, p.137]. Students of the third year of the faculty of foreign philology of Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University took part in the survey. The following value orientations received the highest indicators: health (76.1%), financially secure life (67.4%); family (65.2%); freedom (23.9%); social recognition (21.7%); to be useful for society (19.6%); teacher profession (19.6%); love for the Motherland (19.6%); presence of friends (13.0%%); love for children, parents (13.0%); cognition (13.0%); self-improvement (10.9%); kindness (10.9%); upbringing (10.9%); ability to communicate, professionalism (8.7%); honesty, justice (8.7%); loyalty (6.5%); love (6.5%).

Therefore, the development of the internal position of the future specialist, providing a professional direction to the life aspirations and behavioral motives of the higher education seeker is an important moment in the formation of the personality of the future polonist, the formation of stable life views and professional beliefs.


1. Beh I.D. Selected scientific works. Personality education: in 2 volumes: Volume 1. Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2015. 840 s.

2. Dolynska L.V., Maksymchuk N.P. Expansion of the system of value orientations of the future teacher by active teaching methods. Psychology: a collection of scientific works. Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, 2000. Issue 3(10). S.273-283.

3. Stakhniuk N.O., Rynda V.V. The role of the foreign language learning coursebook in the formation of the multicultural European competence (on the basis of the coursebook “Polski, krok po kroku”). Scientific journal of M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series 5 Pedagogical Sciences: realities and prospects. Collection of scientific works / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Special issue. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Publishing house "Helvetyka", 2022. S 137-142.


Науковий керівник: Панчук Наталія Петрівна, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка

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