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Рік заснування видання - 2014


20.11.2023 16:15

[10. Політичні науки]

Автор: Andrii Adamovych, 559mn gr. master, National Aerospace University named after N. E. Zhukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Introduction. Benjamin Franklin and Electricity.

At one time Benjamin Franklin, who most of us associated with the "Declaration of Independence of the United States" was also involved in electrical experiments. 

It was a great moment of luck for the USA (and no luck for England) that this man got involved in politics in his native country. As a result, the USA eventually ceased to be a colony of England and became an independent state.  

And it is a great fortune for science and electricity in particular that Mr. Franklin directed his mind to such a phenomenon as electricity. 

We will be interested to know that it was Benjamin Franklin who introduced the concept of  + (positive) and - (negative) in electricity.

The important point is that he introduced it to convey the idea of a balance system where positive (with an excess of electricity) and negative (with a deficit of electricity) charges try to come to a neutral equilibrium state. 

And these are the same charges with different properties (different sizes relative to the normal in a given medium - to be more precise),

not two different kinds of charges as we're taught at school and onwards.  

That is why, the main idea was that any system strives for Balance.

Part 1. The Law of "Balance".

If we ask ourselves the question: 

''So what are the fundamental laws that underlie our Universe?''

One of the first, or maybe the First, would be the Law of Balance.

It can be formulated as follows:

Any system at any moment of time strives to occupy the most comfortable (harmonious, balanced) position in the environment.  

Let us once again remember what we were taught at school and touch upon such a concept as "potential difference" and the resulting "tension" as a consequence. 

In essence of the processes occurring, any system taken out of Balance tends to return back or find a new Balance corresponding to the arisen conditions of the environment. 

That is, in simple words, if the Balance is broken, the system tries to restore it. 

And, as a consequence, when the Balance is broken - there is always a difference of potentials (for simplicity, somewhere something becomes more, and somewhere less) and it tends to level off (that is, from where there is more, there is a movement to where there is less) there are various natural phenomena, including electric current. 

Part 2. Man and Society. 

Question:  ''Can we demonstrate the "difference of potentials" on the example of an individual person? ''

Answer:  ''Yes, we can''.

Such human emotions as: Desire, Dissatisfaction, Striving - just characterize the fact that the system of Man is out of balance and strives for a new "comfortable" position. 

This is where Steve Jobs' words at a university graduation speech come in handy. 

One of his wishes was; "Be hungry".

This is exactly what will allow Man to move forward to new accomplishments and achievements. And in the language of physics to new and new states of the Balance of the system. 

Now let's turn to society. 

The situation is similar - if there is "Dissatisfaction" (difference of potentials) and the more it is, the faster and more inevitable the system will try to minimize it. 

And the forms and methods are: demonstrations, revolutions, wars. 

Part 3. World crisis of balance. 

Now in the world we see a certain number of conflicts:

Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza Strip, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc.

The Balkans, Korea, Taiwan are most likely on the way. 

What does this tell us?

It tells us that the system, which was taken out of balance, is trying to regain it. 

The question about the possibility of the third World War  actually lies in understanding the extent and scope of the "difference of potentials" of the peoples inhabiting the globe. 

For simplicity of understanding, if there are a lot of dissatisfied people, the "fire" will flare up more. 

It is also necessary to understand that local conflicts on the background of general prosperity are no more than sparks, which in any case will be extinguished. 

But we think we are facing variant #2, namely, against the background of the general growing discontent, the emerging conflicts are the first sparks of the flame.

Part 4. What to do?

In nature, both fast ways - lightning during a thunderstorm and soft ways - wind  are used to release tension. 

Now from the point of the physics view of processes it is desirable going two ways at the same time, namely;

1. Try to leave local conflicts at the level of local conflicts until they fade out completely;

2. Begin to equalize "potentials" where they are growing and are closing to a critical level - "breakdown" in the language of physics or war and disorder in our human language. 

It should be emphasized that these two processes go in parallel, otherwise the probability of new foci and their unification REALLY increases.

In the context of physics, we can compare it to vortex structures seeking to unite into a larger and more powerful structure.   

To our mind it is interesting to share these thoughts with scientists, researchers and inventors. 

We sincerely hope that skin color, language, nationality will not become in the future on the way of scientific ideas and discoveries. 


Language advisor: Natalia B. Zjubanova, senior lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, National Aerospace University named after N. E. Zhukovsky "Khаrkіv Aviation Institute", Ukraine

Creative Commons Attribution Ця робота ліцензується відповідно до Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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