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Рік заснування видання - 2014


24.09.2024 13:19

[8. Філологічні науки]

Автор: Oksana Cherniak, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

In the modern world, advertising plays an extremely important role. It surrounds us everywhere: on the streets, in transportation, on television, on the Internet. It is well known that advertising is the “engine of trade”, it originated simultaneously with trade in prehistoric times. Advertising became widespread with the opening of mass communications. At the current stage of technology development, Internet advertising is becoming increasingly popular, as it is Internet communication that allows combining the capabilities of all traditional printed and electronic media. Internet advertising is extremely diverse in terms of the advertising object, style, structure, and the use of speech means of influence. 

The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguistic factors that ensure the effectiveness of the Internet advertising discourse.

The structure of modern Internet ads is complex and multilayered. In addition to the verbal component (text), an advertisement contains an image (infographics and sound) and a display panel (software designed to show advertising messages). These components of online advertising function together and provide maximum impact on the recipient of information.

The linguistic study of advertising text messages from Internet pages confirms a wide range of linguistic techniques of influence that are inherent in most advertising texts. Among them, the most common are repetition, the use of the imperative mood, and evaluative vocabulary.

According to the results of our study, the most commonly used methods of attracting attention are evaluative vocabulary, direct addressing to the recipient with the pronoun you, the modal verb should, which is used to express a recommendation, advice or instruction, and imperative sentences.

The syntactic organization of an advertising text is an important method of influencing the recipient’s mind. Having studied the usage of syntactic devices, we came to the conclusion that the most commonly used are single-syllable sentences, passive voice structures, participles and adverbs, and parallel constructions. This demonstrates the benefits of using simple syntactic structures that are easy for the recipient to understand. They are designed to compress information and provide a better level of perception of the advertisement text.

In advertising discourse, it is appropriate to use comparison, the purpose of which is to identify new properties in the object of comparison that are important for the subject of the statement. The subject and the object of comparison are united by formal indicators of the mental operation of equation, such as as,, like, as though, as if, etc.

Hyperbole is also an effective means of influencing the addressee, a stylistic figure of obvious and deliberate exaggeration to enhance the expressiveness and emphasize the point being made.

Negative prefixes such as anti, non- are used to create words with a pronounced positive assessment that attract attention and emphasize the qualitative characteristics of the advertising object.

In advertising texts, imperative verb forms and connotative adjectives, emotionally elevated vocabulary, allegory, metaphor, simile, parallelism, various types of repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia are widely represented.

There is an opinion that an advertising message should be very short, but contain complete information about the object of advertising. However, it is impossible to disagree with the statement of David Ogilvy, an undisputed authority in the field of advertising: “The more complete your story is, the more you will sell” [4]. While studying the size of the advertising text, D. Starch [3] came to the following conclusions: active perception of the advertising message decreases only after the 75th  word; the number of readers who continue to perceive the advertising message after the 125th  word is 12%, but in general, he does not consider the size of the advertising text to be one of its main characteristics.

In summary, advertising is a form of mass communication, its purpose is to inform about available services or goods and, finally, to encourage the consumer to respond to the object of advertising. Internet advertising is one of the most widespread types of advertising that is gaining popularity among other media.


1. Dyer G. Advertising as Communication. London : Routledge, 1995. 191 p

2. Kohli, C., Leuthesser, L., Suri, R. Got slogan? Guidelines for creating effective slogans. Journal of Business Horizon, 2007. p. 415–422.

3. Starch D. Measuring Advertising Readership and Results. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1966. 270 p.

4. Young M. Ogilvy on Advertising in the Digital Age. Carlton Books Ltd, 2017. 288 p.

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