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17.12.2024 18:55

[4. Педагогічні науки]

Автор: Yana Stanislavivna Dybchynska, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant professor, Zaporizhzhia National University; Iryna Grigorivna Shavkun, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Zaporizhzhia National University

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-0992-7326 Yana Stanislavivna Dybchynska

ORCID ID : 0000-0003-2227-9754 Iryna Grigorivna Shavkun

The relevance of the problem lies in the need to improve the quality of teaching Professionally-oriented practical course in English for master's students majoring in “Management”. This is due to the growing requirements for the professional language competence of managers in the context of globalization, intercultural interaction and digitalization. Successful acquisition of language skills necessary for performing professional tasks is becoming an important condition for training competitive specialists capable of working effectively in a multilingual and multicultural environment [1].

According to the requirements of the master's educational program in Management, a graduate must possess the following competencies: ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity); ability to create and organize effective communications in the management process; ability to analyze and structure organizational problems, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation, organize the process of managing business structures based on a quality management system at all levels, compliance with legislative norms; ability to form a personnel strategy in modern conditions, create favorable conditions for training and self-development of personnel.

Unlike graduates of other specialties, managers do not always work strictly within the framework of their specialization (for example, in banking, marketing or strategic management). In this regard, the development and organization of the course “Professionally-oriented practical course in English” for master's degree students majoring in management becomes a particularly difficult task. Modern approaches to teaching a foreign language in professional activities face a number of problems that make it difficult for management students to effectively master the material [2; 3]. Namely:

1. Lack of educational materials focused on the professional sphere. Existing teaching aids often do not reflect the specifics of managers' work. The materials are either too general or focused on other professional areas, which significantly reduces their relevance and usefulness for students.

2. Insufficient qualifications of teachers to work with professional content. Foreign language teachers often do not have sufficient expertise in the field of management, which complicates the high-quality inclusion of professional topics in the educational process.

3. Lack of a holistic approach to the formation of professional and language competence. Educational programs often isolate individual elements of language training, such as grammar, vocabulary, written and oral speech, which hinders the development of integrated professional communication skills.

4. Difficulties in developing intercultural competence. Globalization requires the ability to effectively interact with representatives of different cultures. However, this aspect is either completely ignored or treated superficially in most educational programs.

5. Insufficient technical resources. Many educational institutions do not have the necessary technical base for the full integration of digital technologies into the educational process. This limits the possibilities of using interactive platforms, simulations and other modern tools that contribute to improving the quality of education.

6. Weak motivation of students. Students often do not realize the importance of proficiency in a foreign language for their future professional activities, which leads to a decrease in their interest and involvement in the educational process.

7. Lack of uniform standards for assessing professional language skills. Currently, clear and universal criteria have not been developed that would allow an objective assessment of students' readiness to use a foreign language in a professional environment.

8. Limited time for practical language training. The curricula do not provide enough hours to master all the key language skills, such as reading specialized texts, conducting business correspondence, conducting negotiations and preparing presentations.

In this context, a number of questions arise that require attention: "What aspects should be emphasized?", "How to select vocabulary?", "What contexts should be included?", "How to select materials that best meet the needs of future managers, regardless of their specialization?", "What is the difference between a business foreign language and a language for specific purposes in the context of managerial training?", "What methods are optimal and how to organize the learning process?" Answers to these questions play a key role in improving the educational process through optimization. The latter involves a targeted choice of a strategy for interaction between participants in the educational process that most fully meets the goals and conditions of a specific situation, ensuring its effective management within the established time frame [4].

Modern innovative trends in linguodidactics demonstrate active integration of various educational approaches. As a result, such approaches as communicative-discursive, communicative-cognitive, communicative-activity-based, personal-activity-based, communicative-situational, competence-based / activity-based, communicative-pragmatic and others are formed. The combination of various methodological approaches is due to the need to train specialists who best meet the requirements of the modern labor market, as well as the importance of choosing an approach that is most adequate to specific learning conditions. 

It is advisable to integrate several approaches to achieve optimal results. The integrity of optimization should ideally be realized both at the level of internal and external conditions and motives for its implementation, and in relation to a comprehensive approach to such criteria as time distribution, volume, systematicity and effectiveness of knowledge, efficiency and quality.

Thus, the solution to the listed problems requires a revision of approaches to the development of curricula, advanced training of teachers, creation of professionally oriented materials, as well as active implementation of modern technologies. Only a comprehensive solution to these problems can ensure successful mastering of the discipline and increase its practical significance for management students. It should be emphasized that optimization is not a separate method or technique of teaching. It is a conscious approach of a teacher to the selection and combination of various forms, methods, technologies and principles of teaching. Their harmonious unification allows eliminating the shortcomings of existing educational practice and increasing its effectiveness.


1. Dean S. A., East J.I. Soft Skills Needed for the 21st-Century Workforce. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology. 2019. Vol. 18, Issue 1. P. 17 –32.

2. Constantinou E. K. The Multidimensional Role of the English for Specific Purposes Practitioner in Today’s Changing Societies: Voices from Around the Globe. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes. 2023. Vol. 11, No 3. URL: https://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/1379/668

3. Матвіяс О. Сучасні підходи до методики викладання англійської мови у вищих навчальних закладах. Науковий вісник Вінницької академії безперервної освіти. Серія «Педагогіка. Психологія». 2023. Вип. 4. С. 77 – 85.

4. Tenieshvili А. Application and Combination of Different Foreign Language Teaching Methods in ESP Classroom. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes. 2023. Vol. 11, No 1. URL: https://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/issue/viewIssue/36/16

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