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Рік заснування видання - 2014


13.05.2014 12:48

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Janibekova Aidana, Master student of the Faculty of Economics, Karaganda Economic University

The mining and metallurgical branch represents strategic branch of the national economy which role consists in providing with raw materials of production of high tech and knowledge-intensive final production (mechanical engineering, building industry, the aviation, space and defensive industry).  Today the mining and metallurgical branch of Kazakhstan is focused on export of raw materials and primary metals. 

In the forthcoming years stage-by-stage creation of new processing productions of the metallurgical industry connected with output with a high value added, providing as increase in production of high tech production and expansion of its export on foreign markets, and satisfaction of requirements of domestic market has to become the main objective of development of branch.

Metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan is large sector of domestic economy. The main mining and metallurgical companies of Kazakhstan, first of all the Euroasian industrial association, "Arselor Mittal Temirtau" (Ispat-Karmet), Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, JSC Kaztsink, represent the uniform production and economic complex having in the structure of the enterprise for production, enrichment and metallurgical processing, and also energy developing and  heat developing enterprises, the developed infrastructure providing financial, marketing,  external economic, research works.

Stabilization and output growth in branch confirm correctness of actions of the government on transfer of branch on market system and transfer of property to the private management including investments and management. Thus in the country the large exclusive companies under foreign management with which there is no alternative were created. In essence they are legislators in carrying out innovative and external economic policy in branch. Feature of metallurgical industry as innovative object are high capital intensity, a material capacity, power consumption of productions and duration of an investment cycle.

Advantage of metallurgy of Kazakhstan is existence of own mineral resources. It is known that the Kazakhstan ores containing non-ferrous metals, are complex, have difficult structural and mineralogical structure. They include a wide range of rare and scattered elements. At the same time the structure, physical, chemical and other characteristics of the Kazakhstan ores at production, enrichment and metallurgical processing demand individual technology for each field.

It is necessary to emphasize that stocks of mineral raw materials in Kazakhstan really big, but not always competitive because of the small content of target metal, persistence of ore, and also territorial, transport and other restrictions.

Existing production technologies of non-ferrous and rare metals in Kazakhstan not fully conform to modern requirements of ecology, economy and complex use of mineral raw materials. Known pyrometallurgical processes on operating technologies of steel works are characterized by existence of a large number of harmful gaseous emissions and the solid waste polluting environment. Besides, solid waste (industrial products in the form of slags, slimes etc.) collects in territories of steel works, occupying the huge spaces.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase the volume of the researches directed on replacement of traditional technologies on more highly effective, ecologically pure and waste-free, allowing to receive not only low liquid metals, but also metals, and materials with the high added cost.

In this regard as priorities of the scientific and technological direction of branch it is possible to call:

- development of the new technologies providing sharp decrease in capital expenditure and reduction of emissions of harmful substances, involvement in production of collective concentrates, low-quality initial raw materials and industrial products for increase of complexity of use of raw materials and expansion of raw base;

- effective technologies and modules on receiving especially pure metals, alloys and composite materials: research, development and industrial development of technology of smelting of a wide range of alloys on the basis of the titan, manganese, tungsten, molybdenum, zirconium, niobium etc.;

- technological economic justification and construction of plant on production of alloys with alloying additives and products from them;

- modern technologies, building of metallurgical conversion for the centralized processing gold-bearing and the containing arsenic of floatation and gravitational concentrates with receiving ready products - Dore's alloy, or cathodic gold. Development of technology on extraction of the gold lost with tails of enrichment of gold-extracting factories; the forced development of large-scale deposits of gold - "Bakyrchik" and "Vasilkovskoye";

- technologies of receiving semiconductor materials on the basis of the rare scattered metals, allowing to organize production of highly profitable productions of materials of high liquidity;

- essentially new technologies of enrichment high-phosphorous the brown iron of ores for "Ispat-Karmet" and increase of an export potential of metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan. Research and development of technological schemes of production and enrichment of the chromite, manganese and ferromanganese ores having a strategic importance.

In the last decades an increasing number was involved in processing in Kazakhstan the difficult enrichable of ores, and today there was a situation at which in a cycle of enrichment of non-ferrous, rare, scattered and precious metals 15-20% of losses are the share of mining operations, on a concentrating cycle - 60-70%, on metallurgical conversion - 15-20%. Complexity of extraction of minerals is very low.

Proceeding from the developed situation in enrichment area, priority scientifically - the technological directions are:

- creation of new technologies and the devices providing enrichment of particles of the micro disperse sizes and difficult mineral raw materials;

- improvement of technologies of enrichment of ores of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals due to creation of new photoreagents and sorbents from anthropogenous raw materials;

- carrying out a tekhnologo-mineralogical kadastrization of fields of bark of aeration, waste of the enterprises of MMC (mining and metallurgical complex) for an assessment of possibility of their economic processing and identification of the perspective directions of scientific and technological researches;

- the organization on the basis of "Borla's" field of deep primary processing of ores of non-ferrous metals, creations of new technologies highly their complex enrichment.

Realization of the listed actions will allow to raise sharply indicators of processing of ores of Kazakhstan at an enrichment stage, and also to raise through indicators on extraction and complexity on the scale of all mining and processing metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan. Their successful realization is equivalent to start in operation of several new fields.

In the country it is saved up more than 20 billion tons of technogenic waste of mining and metallurgical complex belonging to the state according to the decree of the President of the republic.

They need to be considered as an independent source of raw materials of metallurgy of Kazakhstan. Now no more than 2% of all saved-up solid waste are processed, that is the related environmental problems aren't solved.

The main priority in recycling of the collected technogenic raw materials are:

- development of new technologies of processing of the technogenic secondary raw materials, allowing to take valuable components in a commodity product. The important direction of innovative development of branch is creation of new technologies and productions;

- carrying out researches, development of new technologies on complex processing of mineral raw materials of fields of tin, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum and the organization of production of these metals;

- carrying out researches, development of priority technologies on receiving powder metals and processing of the non-ferrous metals, allowing to develop own machine-building branch;

- development of new technologies of receiving lead-calcium, lead-nickel and other types of alloys for development of automotive industry, production of rare-earth production and development of its source of raw materials;

In recent years production and export of ferrous and non-ferrous metal grow on the volume and the nomenclature, however internal consumption of these metals in the republic increases extremely poorly, 93-97% of made non-ferrous metal go abroad.

Hi-tech production (production with a high value added) from domestic metal in Kazakhstan practically isn't made and for export isn't delivered.

On the contrary, the domestic processing enterprises feel in them need and import non-ferrous metal made in the country.

The carried-out SWOT analysis of metallurgical industry showed the following results:


- existence of own material source of raw materials;

- the developed infrastructure;

- it is production - technological experience;

- wide range of metals;

- highly professional personnel case.


- aging of business assets;

- technological lag;

- difficult composition of ores;

- low level of repartition and small nomenclature of hardware;


- demand for non-ferrous metals in the world market;

- emergence of multiplicative effect;

- use of secondary technogenic educations;

- expansion of the partner and cooperation relations.


- fixing of the status of a raw appendage of the developed countries;

- not identification within 5-10 years of new competitive fields of copper, zinc and gold;

- incompleteness and not systemacity of reliable information on branch at adoption of radical decisions;

- loss of the acquired knowledge and technological experience [3].

One of actual problems for nonferrous metallurgy is the question of a source of raw materials. Other problem of metallurgists consists in low level of complexity in use of raw materials and big losses of valuable metals at a stage of enrichment and metallurgical processing. We will note that the majority of not extracted, so-called passing metals in near time (during the Soviet period) were taken. Today on them demand in the world market grows. It should be noted that the country lost the market on these metals in 10 last years. These metals make fundamentals of high, high technologies in electronics, aerospace, automobile building and other branches.

Scales of an economic benefit from extraction and their processing are that that in National Center on Complex Processing of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan the question of formation of new subsector - rare and scattered metals with participation of government institutions is studied. In Kazakhstan it is located about 20 enterprises which were letting out earlier rare and scattered metals which need to be reanimated with participation of institutes of development. Big reserve, especially in the conditions of deficiency of mineral raw materials, use of secondary scrap is. The color and black scrap at cut prices continues to be sent for export.

In our opinion, process of export of raw material resources achieving of rates and a narrow range of ready hi-tech steel products can undermine a basis of domestic metallurgy during 2010-2015. The developed export orientation of metallurgy led to a disproportion in structure of production and metal consumption. We believe that the structure of export of metal at this stage becomes a factor not so much innovative development of metallurgy, how many its control.

It is necessary to pursue scientific and technical policy of leaving from low effective export orientation to production with a high value added and transition to development of hi-tech productions on the basis of domestic metals. It is necessary to create productions on electronic, electrotechnical, machine-building and to other directions. It is necessary to consider a question of establishment of a quota of leaving of part of metal made in the country for development of research and production business.

Aren't less important as well questions of quality of metal. The enterprises of Kazakhstan have today no international certificate of quality on a number of exported metals, for example on cathodic copper, zinc and others at the London exchange of metal. Therefore on each ton of exported metal the budget of the country receives less by calculations of 100-200 dollars.

Competitiveness of domestic non-ferrous metal in the world market is defined not only quality that is physical and chemical structure, its purity, but also power consumption. According to available data, expenses of the electric power on each ton of products in the country exceed twice in comparison with similar production of technically developed countries. Questions of energy consumption become actual at entry into the WTO.

At such branch as metallurgy, is a lot of problems and difficulties. At the same time I can't bypass two questions.

The first this personnel providing. Technical shots "grow old". Qualification of many working lags behind modern requirements. Exit from the created situation - the organization of study for professional development and retraining, is necessary purposeful training of young engineers.

Metallurgy is the knowledge-intensive branch. Complication of mining-and-geological conditions of a bedding of ores, need of increase of competitiveness of let-out metal and their further processing in hi-tech production demands increase of scientific technological support, increase in volume of Research and developmental development, science merging with production. In practice obviously passes process "drying out" branch science, the gap between domestic science and the metallurgy enterprises amplifies every year. For saving of the leading provision of metallurgical industry in economy of Kazakhstan in further it is necessary to increase the budgetary financing of search researches on the priority directions.

For increase of efficiency of scientific technological support of mining and metallurgical complex, strengthening of communication with the mining and metallurgical enterprises it is necessary:

- to strengthen scientific and technical infrastructure with attraction of financial means of large investors;

- to develop the design divisions capable at modern level to carry out all increasing orders of branch;

- to create skilled and experimental bases of institutes for the fastest finishing of development before production and practical application;

- to equip branch institutes with modern fiziko-analytical complexes and the equipment on the basis of the computer equipment;

- to develop information and marketing services in the mining and metallurgical direction on the basis of the latest information technologies and rational using of knowledge and experience of scientists and experts of the country.

Considering that in the next years export orientation of the Kazakhstan producers of metals will remain, it is necessary to reorient productions on release of the knowledge-intensive production with a high value added: hire with the increased consumer parameters, the conduction and cable production, special alloys etc.

Recognizing finding of the large domestic metallurgical enterprises under private management, it is necessary to stimulate domestic business on development of "small metallurgy" on the basis of small and average fields of the republic.It is necessary to create the program for creation of specialized productions and miniplants on development of hi-tech production: high-quality hire, composite materials, alloys for 2005-2010.

Now owners of the enterprises of metallurgical industry hold events for diversification and technical modernization of the enterprises: start-up and development of zinc plant in the city of Balkhash, building of installation on continuous pouring of steel in the city of Temirtau, design of electrolysis plant in the city of Pavlodar, modernization of ferroalloy productions. Prospecting works for strengthening of a source of raw materials of the companies quickened.

However these measures are inadequate to requirements of time, Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". Acceleration of innovative development in the conditions of globalization of world economy and the forthcoming entry of Kazakhstan into the WTO should be expected at harmonization of interests of monopolists, the states and societies. The government of the country has to add to the arsenal known tools in the world of economic regulation by metallurgical industry.

It is necessary to expect that the ministries and the scientific and technical public will in common discuss strategy and programs of innovative development of the mining and metallurgical companies for 2005-2015.

Innovative development of mining and metallurgical branch allows to provide:

- increase in volume of the knowledge-intensive, hi-tech production in gross domestic product, let-out manufacturing industry;

- diversification and modernization of the metallurgical enterprises for metal improvement of quality, increase in a share of metal with a high value added, development of the 4-and 5 technological repartitions (rolling production, production of special alloys, composite materials and others);

- extension of the nomenclature of the certified metal for satisfaction of internal consumption: machine-building, construction, oil and gas, agricultural branches;

- reanimation and development of productions of refractory, rare and rare-earth metals that will give an impulse to formation of domestic hi-tech productions (radio engineering, electrotechnical, machine-building, instrument making and others) and the due place in the world market of metal will allow to occupy branches.

As a result of implementation of offers on development of the scientific and technological directions:

- the leading provision of metallurgical industry in economy of Kazakhstan within centuries will remain;

- the complex of innovative productions on the basis of domestic mineral resources, including technogenic educations that will accelerate rates of economic growth of the country due to development of high-tech knowledge-intensive industries will be created: processing, electronic, radio engineering, telecommunications and communications, medical and household instrument making and others;

- growth of depressive territories (regions) because of decrease in production and processing of traditional raw materials by reorientation of the capacities, the operating metallurgical enterprises to production of metal and production with a high value added will stop;

- investment appeal of metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan will increase at increase in production, processing and delivery to the world market of competitive strategic metals and production from them consumed by the foreign high-tech companies: aerospace, rocket and technical, electronic, automobile building and others.


1. Condition of innovative activity at the enterprises, branches and regions of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata 2003.

2. Technologies and instruments of effective management of the enterprise. – Мн. : MIU, 2000.

3. The program for development of mining and metallurgical branch in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014

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