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Рік заснування видання - 2014


29.06.2016 11:46

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Galushko O.I., senior lecturer, Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Schepetkova A.S., stydent, Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Dyrda Y.A., student, Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

There are many definitions of "human capital" concept. In simple terms, human capital is a human capacity, human actions and human interests. Human abilities are congenital and acquired. Each person is born with a certain set of innate abilities. These abilities, and acquired valuable human abilities can be enhanced by any attachments, and are called human capital. Investing in people and stimulating them lead to an increase of their productivity and company’s revenue. Thus, the employee receives a good financial rewards and experience. 

Human Resource Management (HRM) – is a process of effective using and development of enterprise’s human resources to achieve organizational goals and personal goals of staff, through the applying of economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods of management. HRM policy includes components of search (head-hunting), adaptation, operative and strategic work with staff. 

Adaptation is a very important part, since the employee who gets a new position, has to interact with the rest of the staff  for the effective implementation of certain obligations. Final result as a whole depends from the degree and efficiency of interaction. The next component is - operative work with the staff. It includes training and development, a rapid assessment of the staff, organization of labor conditions, business communication management, motivation and remuneration [1]. 

The staff as well as marketing, finance, production is a part of the so-called «5 whales» (major components) of enterprise’s management (Fig.1). Thus, human resource management plays an important role in ensuring the successful operation and sustainable development of the enterprise [2].

Figure 1. Interdependence and information exchange between the main components of the enterprise and macro-environment. 

If we talk about Ukraine, then we have some significant problems that are sufficiently negative impact on the human resources management policy. Firstly, it is the weak economic incentives. Employers currently do not stimulate their subordinates, so there are problems with low productivity and the outflow of qualified personnel. What about low productivity, the people do not want to work in an environment in which they are offered, they do not want to receive low salaries that they are given. Secondly, the outflow of qualified personnel, the so-called "brain drain". This is again for the above reasons - lower wages, working conditions. All qualified specialists go to developed countries in order to find "happiness" to live and to work in good economic conditions.  Also important problem in our country is that there is no economic basis of the growth of wages. Those on the one hand in Ukraine is very low wages, and on the other hand, it grows faster than labor productivity.


1. Акофф Р. Планирование  будущего  корпорации: Пер.  с  англ. – М.: Прогресс,  1985. – 325с.

2. Галушко О.І.  Визначення  поняття  «криза»  та  параметрів,  що  описують  кризу  на  підприємстві  //  Магістеріум  НаУКМА.  Економічні  студії. – 2004. – № 14. – С.52-55.

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