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Рік заснування видання - 2014


18.11.2016 10:32

[Section 3. Marketing]

Author: Minyailo Yana Vasilivna, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

For efficient business activities it is necessary that the functions of marketing department start from market analysis, product selection and study of future consumer demand [1, p. 89]. Businessmanas organizer of the production process should not only deeply understand consumer interests, but also be able to predict, how the implementation of new ideas in production will be accepted by the market because "the ability to combine in one process these two components – the introduction of new products and market reaction –is the key the future success of the entrepreneur "[1, p. 90].

As a scientific category, and element of management systems marketing researches acquire relevance when [2, p. 17-18]:

– expanding of the territorial boundaries of the market leads to the disappearance of direct contact between producer and consumer of goods, which accordingly generates a number of marketing and production problems related to the lack of reliable products and operative information;

– the number of buyers and sellers in the market grows, the differentiation of products and services occurs, which accordingly increases the number of choices and creates competition between producers and consumers;

– a necessary condition for achieving a balance between production capacity of the enterprise and consumer needs and making reasonable marketing decisions is a preliminary forecast of the market situation.

Domestic scholars Starostin A. O. and Kravchenko V. A. call these reasons that cause the necessity of the use of marketing research (including international) in modern enterprises [3, p. 14-16]:

– firstly, the use of market research will allow optimizing and rationalizing of the use of economic resources of domestic enterprises for a relatively small cost;

– secondly, the global financial crisis proves discrepancy of traditional methods of business management to modern requirements, as evidenced by the collapse of still many successful international and domestic corporations;

– thirdly, the researchers point outspecific factor such as “Ukrainian oligarchic capitalism,” which is based on “predatory” use of socialist heritage and a complete lack of interest in investing and developing of modern economy. Under these conditions, the use of relatively cheap and readily available asset is actual, which is market research, which will allow orienting in a relatively short time in a market space, finding reserves increase business competitiveness and choosing the right vectors and priorities for future development.

Therefore, market research is an extremely important precondition of effective development of the production program as it gives the company a chance to achieve most efficiently its production capacity at a tough competitive struggle and to achieve the ultimate goal.

At the same time market research is one of the most difficult elements of marketing activity, due to unpredictable and contradictory object of study – market environment.


1. Ohlih V. V.Basics of the implementation of market research and analysis of economic efficiency in the planning of the production program of the company / V. V. Ohlih, S. P. Krivoruchko // Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk National University. Economy. – Vol. 2. – 2008. – 10 / 1. – P. 89–95.

2. Poltorak V. A. Market research: Textbook / V. A. Poltorak. – K .: Center of educational literature, 2003. – 378 p.

3. Starostina A. O. International market research and risk management – important factors increasing the competitiveness of enterprises / A. O. Starostina, V. A. Kravchenko // Theoretical and applied economic issues. – Vol. 26. – 2011. – P. 14–26.


Науковий керівник: Куклін Олег Володимирович, доктор економічних наук, професор, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну

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