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Рік заснування видання - 2014


27.11.2017 17:32

[Section 2. Constitutional law. Constitutional judicial law. International law]

Author: Федорова Анна Вадимівна, студентка 4 курсу, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

The European Commission is one of the main institution of the European Union, known as politically independent executive arm, therefore, an administrative role, which is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, upholding the EU treaties and so on. By the way, commissioners swear an oath at the European Court of Justice to respect the treaties to be completely independent in carrying out their duties.

I consider, that the Commission was named as the guardian of the Treaties, owing to this institution oversees the application of the provisions of the Treaty and the measures. This institution does everything that is in its power to ensure that European law is respected. The European Commission includes four particularly important functions, concerning its monitoring role in ensuring compliance with EU law, in case failing of law respecting by the Member States.

So, the main ways in which the Commission has made use of its powers and also how effective its strategies.

Firstly, important to say about an investigation power, thanks to which the Commission is able to secure and obtain any information about the situation in the European Union and conduct of Member States.

Also, The Commission is inherent a prevention power. It means that the institution acts to prevent infringements of norms of the Treaty in certain ways.

In the third, the European Commission has the power of monitoring and sanction, that means to impose certain kinds of sanctions, concerning the Member States and companies, breaching competition rules.

At last, the institution is responsible for authorizing a temporary suspension of the application of the Treaty by the Member States through safeguard clauses.

So, analyzed the role of the European Commission, this institution uses all the above four strategies to prevent and overcome non-compliance with European law. Also, it is the Commission that decides if there has been a breach of the EU law. But there are certain circumstances in which citizens are able to challenge the Member States by lodging complaints with the Commission, and only if the European Commission agrees it will open an infringement proceeding. The executive body sends the state a letter with formal notice plus containing of views on the complaint. In case there is no replay, or it isn’t satisfactory, the date isn’t respected, the Commission had the power to refer the complaint to the Court of Justice, which has the final say over the reading of the treaties.

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