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Рік заснування видання - 2014


22.06.2018 14:06

[Section 8. Intellectual property and its protection. Informational law]

Author: Ilynych Y.O., Eastern European National University named after Lesia Ukrainka; Kruhlyk V.P., Eastern European National University named after Lesia Ukrainka

Since the days of antiquity, translations have become an honorable place among the works of fiction. Translation activities have always been the source of creative inspiration for many poets and writers. Translations, as a rule, are not considered independently, but in the context of derivative works. The question of the peculiarities of the legal protection of translations to date in the literature is insufficiently highlighted, which makes it necessary to address this topic.

The Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" refers to translations into derivative works. We draw this conclusion from the definition that a derivative work is a work that is a creative processing of another existing work without causing harm to its protection (annotation, adaptation, arrangement, folklore processing, other processing of the work) or its creative translation into another language (to derivative works does not include audiovisual works obtained through duplication, voice over, subtitling in other Ukrainian languages or other audiovisual works). Consequently, the legislator establishes two ways of creating derivative works - processing and translation. However, it will not be correct to identify the processing and translation. If the translation is close to being processed so that he must accurately convey the spirit of the work, then he does not change the genre, for example, an anthology.

Translators and authors of other derivative works belong to the copyright in their translation, processing, arranging or other processing.

The translator and the author of another derivative works use the copyrighted work of the work created by him, subject to the rights of the author of the work, which has been translated, processed, arranged or otherwise processed. The copyright of translators and authors of other derivative works does not prevent other persons from translating and processing the same works.

In this way, the person who is the author of the translation has the right, at its own discretion, to use the translation without any restrictions (of course, taking into account the exceptions that may be due to the fact that the translation has been carried out under someone's order, etc.).

At the same time, one should not forget that the article itself in the foreign edition is the subject of copyright, which means that the author of the article has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit any use of it. Considering that the translation is recognized as one of the ways in which a work is used, it can be concluded that, in general, in order to make a translation of any published article, it is necessary to obtain the consent of its author.

Legislative acts do not protect copyrights for a translation text that does not contain the work of an interpreter - for example, performed with the help of specialized computer programs.

There is another kind of translation that is rare, which according to Ukrainian legislation does not belong to objects of copyright (and related) rights. This is the so-called "reverse translation" of the work into the language in which the original was published. Such an operation is carried out if, say, the original document was lost.

The law provides for the protection of copyright of the translator to the "derivative work" exceptionally when the translation of the text is made with full compliance with the property and non-proprietary rights of the author. Only when the linguist has previously issued with the owner the right to translate the text into a "work" can he claim his copyright claims for translation.

For the transfer of rights, the standard legal forms are used: a license agreement between the translator and the author or another transfer agreement. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine, the maximum period of validity of property rights extends over the life of the author of the work and during the 70 years after the death of the latter.

In addition to the basic property law, when performing the translation, an important factor is the unconditional compliance of the translator with the non-proprietary rights of the author. This requirement includes the protection of the author of the "work" from the change of author's design, artistic techniques or stylistics "work." The translator should change only the foreign literary form - the language.

Consequently, the translated text in another language in accordance with Ukrainian legislation is a "derivative work", that is, an object of copyright, if the following conditions are met: the original text meets the criteria of the "work" and is protected by copyright, the translation corresponds to the concept "creative", the translator the performance of works is in keeping with the property rights and other rights of the author, namely, the legally executed transfer of the rights to the translator to the translator and the translation is not distorted the original.

The legal norms of Ukraine stipulate that, if the parties to these conditions comply with these conditions, the property rights to the "derivative work" belong together to the translation agency and the author. If the author does not like this situation, and he wishes to preserve copyright and translation of his work, this circumstance must be indicated in the contract. Thus, the translation is not a violation of copyright, but only a way of using the work.


1. On Copyright and Related Rights: Law of Ukraine dated 23.12.1993 № 3792-XII // Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1994. - No. 13. - Art. 64. - Electron version ed December 5, 2012.

2. Actual issues of intellectual property and innovation development: international materials. science-practice Conf., Kharkiv, November 15-16. 2012 - Kh.: Research Institute of Research and Development, 2012. - 372 p

3. Dumas R. Literary and artistic property. Copyright of France [Text] / Dumas R. - 2nd ed.: Per. fr fr - M .: International relations, 1993. - 384 pp.

4. Kossak V. M. Intellectual Property Rights / V. M. Kossak, I. Ye. Yakubivsky. - K.: Truth, 2007. - 208 p.

5. Personal non-proprietary intellectual property rights of the creators: monograph / for colleagues. Ed. V. V. Luts. - Ternopil: Handbook. and Manual, 2007. - 256 p.

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