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Рік заснування видання - 2014


24.09.2019 14:15

[Section 9. Logistics and transport]

Author: Emilia Sielicka, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland; Alicja Choma, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland; Damian Kowalczyk, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland

The waste recirculation process is called their full circulation, from their generation in the industry or enterprise, through collection and sorting, to the delivery to the place of preliminary processing, then secondary, and finally for their complete disposal. Secondary raw materials and energy obtained in the above-mentioned processes are reused in the sphere of production or consumption. Waste that is not suitable for processing is stored in landfills or in depleted mine excavations. The total costs of the logistics waste recycling system are divided into:

• Costs of waste collection, which includes the costs of purchasing and operating means of transport, as well as the construction and operation of all transport facilities, costs of transporting waste and loading, unloading and transhipment;

• Costs of chemical, thermal and biological waste treatment, as well as the cost of purchasing the necessary technology and infrastructure, as well as the costs of cleaning and removing residues;

• Costs for preparing landfill sites, their collection, landfill gas disposal and landfill reclamation in the future.

The introduction of logistics principles to the waste utilization process is associated with many operational challenges, but as a result, it contributes to a significant reduction in global costs in this area, and as a result to the elimination of cost barriers in the dissemination of the waste management process, including waste after road transport [red. Kisperska – Moroń i Krzyżaniak 2009].

Currently, the implementation of the waste management system in enterprises encounters not only an operational but also an economic barrier, because often the costs of obtaining, supplying and using secondary raw materials, as well as the regeneration of some parts significantly exceed the purchase of new ones. In the above situation, it becomes unprofitable to invest in innovative, pro-ecological technologies in enterprises and utilization systems. As a result, this may have a negative impact on the development of reverse logistics and actions aimed at protecting the natural environment. In this case, it becomes necessary for the state and the European Union to intervene in projects supporting the pro-ecological activities of enterprises and to emphasize the essence of the issue of waste management arising from the operation of an enterprise. An example would be co-financing of the creation of logistics systems in the area of utilization, development of pro-ecological technologies and their implementation in an enterprise, as well as creation of a system of penalties and restrictions for enterprises destroying the natural environment and social campaigns increasing ecological awareness of the society. Undoubtedly, proper waste management after car transport brings many benefits, both for the natural environment and for the company. The car industry and the branch of economy related to transport have significant achievements in the field of utilization and recycling of waste generated by them. There is no doubt that vehicles contribute significantly to pollution and environmental pollution. However, as much as 85% can be recycled, suitable for re-use in the automotive industry [Gołembska 2004]. Examples include the regeneration of car radiators, which is at the top of the pyramid of the waste value hierarchy, qualified as 're-fabrication' and the conversion of burned engine oil into energy that can be used in the company. An additional benefit of using the regeneration process is the saving of energy and natural resources, which can reach up to 90% compared to the process of producing a new good. The regenerated product, after repair or regeneration, from the waste becomes a full-fledged product and regains 100% efficiency, at much lower costs than buying a new one. The benefits in terms of cost reduction are particularly evident in the case of large transport companies with their own large rolling stock and carrying out a significant number of transports annually. A positive side effect of the automotive parts regeneration process is the prospect of recovering valuable raw materials from used parts that can be resold for profit to the company. An example is selling aluminum produced during the regeneration process of a used car radiator or selling used car tires to companies processing them into rubber granules or burning them to obtain electricity. In addition to the economic aspect, the use of the waste management process also brings environmental benefits. The regeneration of car parts and the proper waste management system contribute above all to the reduction of the currently produced in excess and stored in landfills, less consumption of the constantly decreasing number of natural resources, including deforestation and reduction of environmental pollution, which in turn inhibits a significant problem 21st century social which are civilization and social diseases. Their causes are to a large extent environmental pollution: soil, air, water and noise produced by production plants.

The marketing aspect is another aspect in which the benefits of car waste management can be considered. The current "fashion for ecology" and publicizing problems related to environmental protection in the media contribute to the increase of ecological awareness not only of the society, but also of entrepreneurs. 

This also translates into paying more attention to preserving the natural environment in the least disturbed state. As a result, eager customers reach for pro-ecological, remanufactured or recyclable products. On the other hand, the use of environmentally friendly technologies in the production of goods, waste management in the enterprise and other pro-ecological activities makes the company environmentally responsible and thus increases its competitive advantage on the market [Korzeń 2009]. 


1. Kompendium wiedzy o logistyce, red. Gołembska E., Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Poznań 2004.

2. Korzeń, Z., 2009, Ekologistyka, Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania, Poznań, p.16.

3. Logistyka, Kisperska – Moroń D., Krzyżaniak S., Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania, Poznań 2009, p. 319.

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