BUSINESS ETHICS - Scientific conference

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Рік заснування видання - 2014


06.10.2019 10:02

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Emilia Sielicka, PhD Candidate, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland

Business ethics is a field of science dealing with economic analysis and reflection on the ethical dimension of business. Business ethics standards are a kind of response to human greed and speculation. As an inseparable part of business, it should form the basis of education not only in higher education but also at all levels of youth education. Business ethics is a reference of ethical reflection to the area of market phenomena and involves analyzing business situations that are assessed in the context of good and evil. Good and bad actions should be understood from the perspective of moral concepts, not financial or business strategy [Ng, 2012]. The aim of the article is to present the theoretical and cognitive aspects of business ethics.

Business ethics is a discipline whose interest is the moral aspects that have their source in running a business. This is a very broad concept. The content attributed to business ethics varies depending on the place and environment, and thus the entire context of the situation and phenomenon. However, all views come down to one important conclusion. Namely, the goal of economics and business should be to serve man and this perspective can never be reversed. In theoretical understanding, ethics has a significant impact on human activities and is its ideological strengthening. Being human is the basic foundation for creating justifications for human behavior. Business ethics focuses on a selected aspect of ethics, namely the economic activity of society [Chryssides, Kaler, 1999, pp. 18-20].

Business ethics is both an element of normative ethics, which is the norm of conduct and approves of the actions as well as the element of descriptive ethics focusing on the foundations and moral behavior of business people. The basic, main practical goal of business ethics is to look for solutions related to proper conduct during business operations. Enterprises create various types of ethical codes, which are a tool for applying ethics theory in practice. Various social and environmental programs are also being created, the most widespread activity in recent years has been the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility [Chryssides, Kaler, 1999, pp. 18-20]. Corporate social responsibility is defined as "the management's obligation to choose such decisions and actions that contribute to caring for one's own interest (increasing the company's profit) as well as for protection and multiplying social well-being "[Rybiak, 2001, p. 28]. This definition focuses on two aspects of social responsibility. Protection means the activities of an enterprise that do not pose a threat to society, and thus refraining from actions that could potentially harm social well-being. The key element is not only making a profit, but such an action that allows obtaining positive economic value while respecting the moral principles of the social sphere that are respected in a given society. Enterprises should focus their attention on actions aimed at eliminating negative phenomena in society. Multiplication means the creative role of enterprises in the process of creating social well-being. 

Summing up the considerations, the company impacts a significant group of stakeholders with its actions. This environment includes both stakeholders directly and indirectly related to the business being run. These include shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees of the company, as well as the government, the local community living in the vicinity of the company's headquarters, branches and factories, as well as the natural environment. All actions taken during business decisions have an impact on stakeholders. Business ethics requires directing activities in such a way as not to adversely affect the environment, but to generate as much positive impact as possible [Freeman, E., Moutchnik, A., 2013].


1. Chryssides, G., D., Kaler, J., H., 1999, Wprowadzenie do etyki biznesu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa

2. Freeman, E., Moutchnik, A., 2013 Stakeholder management and CSR: questions and answers, UmweltWirtschaftsForum, Springer Verlag,

3. [dostęp: 02.02.2019].

4. Klimsza, L., 2014, Business Ethics: Introduction to the Ethics of Values, [dostęp: 10.02.2019].

5. Ng, T., 2012, Business Ethics and Sustainability. Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

6. Rybiak, M., 2001, Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu - idea i rzeczywistość, Gospodarka Narodowa 3/2001, Wyd. Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa

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