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Рік заснування видання - 2014


22.09.2020 09:39

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Ihnatchenko Anastasia, PhD student, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University; Alona Olondar, student of group EН-82/2пе, Sumy State University

The introduction of the concept «green economy» is an important element of the chain of balanced development. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to make every effort to create «green» innovative business models, which will lead to the consistent implementation of the basic ideas of the state environmental policy in Ukraine. The task facing Ukraine is the transition of the national economy to a green model of development based on sustainable production and consumption, efficient use of resources, as well as promoting business activities in the way of resource-energy-environmentally efficient safe production [1]. 

The concept of «green economy» has gained popularity in international, national and regional political circles, providing an answer to the cause of the global financial crisis, and also become the beginning of the transition to a modernized model of progress and productivity growth [1]. In the broadest sense, the «green economy» considers the relationship between environmental, economic and social systems. In the conditions of formation and efforts of the implementation of "green" economy in the country, after economic substantiation of the concept «sustainable development» it is repeatedly considered that one of the basic tools of financing is ecological investments or green investments.

In scientific works, the term «environmental investment» is identified with such terms as: «environmental investment», «net investment», «sustainable investment», «resource-saving investment», «environmentally oriented investment».

In addition, scientists interpret the term «environmental investment» differently, based on the relevant researches. Based on the analysis of existing definitions of the term «environmental investment», it is established that their main task is to restore the ecosystem and strengthen the environment. Investments in environmental projects lead to a reduction of anthropogenic and man-made load on the ecosystem.

Environmental investments are investments in those financial structures that contribute to the development of environmental infrastructure and try to:

- minimize the level of harmful environmental pollution;

- conserve and rationally use natural resources

- to increase the socio-economic level of country's development on the basis of structural reforms under the condition of raising living standards [2].

Examining environmental investment, most scientists consider that green investing today is seen as financing the «future» that contributes to the global goals of sustainable development.


1. “Zeleni” investytsii u stalomu rozvytku: svitovyi dosvid ta ukrainskyi kontekst [Green investments in sustainable development: world experience and Ukrainian context]. Kyiv: Zapovit, 2019. 316 s. URL:

2. Ihnatchenko A. S., Kovalov B. L., Fedyna S. M. Analiz definitsiinoi osnovy terminu «ekolohichni (zeleni) investytsii» ta yikh klasyfikatsiia [Analysis of the definitive basis of the term «environmental (green) investments» and their classification]. Mekhanizm rehuliuvannia ekonomiky. 2020. № 2. S. 144–153.


Supervisor: Bohdan Kovalov, Asoc. Prof., Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University

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