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Рік заснування видання - 2014


24.05.2021 19:33

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Kravchuk Roman Sergeevich, candidate of Economic Sciences, IHE "King Daniel University"

Socio-economic basis for the functioning of the economic system is property relations. As a socio-economic category, property is determined by the degree of development of productive forces and is characterized by a system of objectively determined, historically changing relations between economic entities in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods characterized by appropriation of means of production and its results. Property is one of the most fundamental and basic  economic categories. Therefore, the relationship of the direct owners of the production conditions with the direct producers reveals the deepest secret, the hidden basis of the whole social order.

The concept of ownership arises where and when there are several  simulteneous, independent, economically isolated producers, when there is a relationship between them about the appropriation of  its products. Thus, property is not a thing, but a relationship between people about the production and appropriation of things-products of labor. Property in a legal interpretation is the establishment of property rights between people, which reveals a thing or a set of things (objects of property) that belong to a particular person or group (subjects of ownership), and determine the types of owners to whom the property belongs.

Subjects of property are individuals, natural persons, who in the process of appropriation-alienation of material goods and services can enter into relations with each other in this regard. These are, as a rule, legally independent, economically isolated participants in social production - individual workers, labor collectives and government agencies and departments (eg, army, state reserves), and so on. Property can be all the diversity of national wealth, including the land with its subsoil, water and air space, as well as works of intellectual labor, the whole set of goods [1].

The main features of property include socio-economic, industrial relations between people, not the attitude of man to the thing; the result of social development, not the individual; relations on the appropriation of material goods: means of production, consumer goods and services, relations on the appropriation of production; under certain conditions, the means of production can be alienated from the direct producer, in reality, property always appears in a specific historical form; property relations act primarily as a property right.

Therefore, property relations take the form of property rights, which are realized in the action of three attributes: the right of possession, the right of disposal and the right of use [2].

The effectiveness of property depends on the implementation of property rights and its legal form. Ownership is an external, or legal, form that legislates and institutionalizes real economic processes and phenomena. The definition and delimitation of property rights fix the basic principles of the relationship of economic entities regarding the appropriation of property. The most complete specification of property rights bundles was determined by well-known Western economists R. Coase, A. Alcian, A. Honore, and others. as early as the early 1960's and includes 11 main items.


1. Semenko V.M. Economic theory. Political Economy: textbook. way. / V.M. Semenko. - К.: CSL, 2020. - 364 p.

2. Melnik P.V. Economic theory: textbook. way. / P.V. Melnik, I.A. Maksimenko. - Chernivtsi: Prut, 2010. –352 p.

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