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Рік заснування видання - 2014


20.12.2021 22:03

[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]

Author: Romanyuk Alina Serghiivna, student, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University

Nowadays, in all foreign legal systems the institution of inheritance law is one of the most important. Each state, regardless of the type of legal system, has specific features of the regulation of inheritance by will. This issue is very topical as inheritance relations are one of the most stable institutions of civil law, which reflects the peculiarities of the mentality, traditions and established principles of the private law. In all foreign legal systems, inheritance by will plays a leading role, as it allows the owner to dispose of his/her property in case of death at his/her own discretion. In particular, it is quite important to pay attention on the testament forms in the Romano-Germanic system of law as the Romano-Germanic legal family is the first one we meet in the modern world [1]. It is rightly considered to be the most widespread and influential modern legal family. Many scientists have paid much attention to reserching this issue in their works, in particular: M. Yu. Barshchevsky, E. A. Vasiliev, O. V. Grenkova, V. V. Zaleski, A. S. Komarov, M. I. Kulagin, V. P. Mozolin, K. K. Yaichkov and others. 

In the continental law system the concept of hereditary relations means a system of norms, governing succession, where rights and responsibilities the deceased pass directly to the heirs. The property of the deceased without “intermediaries” is inherited by the law or by the will. Heirs are constantly liable for the obligations of the hereditary giver [2, p. 257]. 

Some states impose restrictions on the persons in whose favour the will is made. Thus, under French inheritance law, the testamentary dispositions are not valid in favour of doctors, other medical staff and pharmacists whose patient the testator was a patient of at the time of his illness, if such testamentary dispositions were made during the same illness or were drawn up in favour of spiritual mentors and confessors. Such restriction does not apply to relatives up to and including the fourth line, providing that the testator has no other relatives in the direct line, as well as singular legacies adequate to the services they provided to the testator and his/her property status [4].

The legislation of the Romano-Germanic countries distinguishes the following forms of will:

1) personal will as a will written by the testator, signed by him/her independently. This form is the most common due to the simplicity of ordering and the possibility of keeping the secret of the will [3, p. 347]. The conclusion of an holographic (personal) will is provided by the legislation of Germany, Poland, France and some other countries [2, p. 258];

2) a will in the form of a public act is a will made in accordance with the procedure established by the law with the participation of an official, most often such a person is a notary. In France a will is made with the participation of two notaries (or one with two witnesses), in Switzerland – with the participation of one official and two witnesses, in Germany the testator dictates to the notary his last will or sends him a written document stating his last will, in Italy a public will is accepted by a notary in the presence of two witnesses [4, p. 177–178];

3) secret will is a will drawn up by the testator and sealed in the form of a notary, usually in the presence of witnesses. This form of will allows you to ensure the secrecy of the will and its safety, but may contain certain which have a double interpretation or are illegal [5, p. 265].

Also, the principle of freedom of will in this legal system sometimes can be limited in favour of the testator’s family [3, с. 345–346].


1. Давид, Р. Основные правовые системы современности. М.: Междунар. отношения, 1996. С. 29. 

2. Міжнародне приватне право : підучник для студентів юридичних вищих навчальних закладів / за ред. В.П. Жушмана, І.А. Шуміло. Харків : Право, 2011. 320

3. Павлова І.У. Міжнародне приватне право : підручник. Москва : Эксмо, 2005. 752 с.

4. Тучак Т.В. Податок на спадщину та дарування у Франції. Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. 2008. No 12 (91). С. 15–19.

5. Фединяк Г.С. Міжнародне приватне право : підручник. Київ : Атіка, 2003. 544 с.


Scientific Advisor: Kmetyk Khrнstнna Volodymyrivna, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the department

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