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Рік заснування видання - 2014


03.04.2022 16:27

[Section 1. Economy, organization and administration of enterprises, branches and complexes]

Author: Kravchenko S.A., Sc.D., professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and Agro-Industrial Integration, NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” NAAS, Ukraine, Kyiv; Malik L.M., Ph.D., docent, Leading Researcher of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and Agro-Industrial Integration, NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” NAAS, Ukraine, Kyiv

The interests of the development of the region require ensuring the innovative conjugation of the interests of scientific institutions, state bodies and commodity producers. The most acceptable form of implementation of such a combination are agro-industrial park formations, which are based on the accelerated creation and development of scientific developments; informational, financial, legal support of developers; direct contact of participants in the innovation process [1, p. 11-18].

The agro-industrial park is designed to solve the following tasks: ensuring the development of state scientific institutions, scientific service organizations, educational institutions of the region, including through the commercialization of scientific developments; production and promotion of products in a competitive environment based on high technologies, the use of know-how, inventions, the results of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of agriculture, processing and food industry; ensuring the integration and interconnection of entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of agricultural products, its processing and sale, the integration of agricultural producers and processing enterprises for the transition from a traditional to a network economy in agriculture; expansion of the development of innovations on the basis of medium and small enterprises as the most mobile forms of promoting innovations in the agro-industrial complex; development of new forms of innovative entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial sector of the economy; increasing the share of high-tech products in the structure of the gross regional product, stimulating the development of the region's economy and export potential and a number of other tasks.

The main activities of the agro-techno-park: training of personnel of different levels and directions for the agro-industrial complex of the region; production of original, elite and reproduction seeds of agricultural crops; improvement of breeding and breed qualities of farm animals and poultry, economic products; biotechnology; information technology; design and production of agricultural machinery; instrumentation and more. The main structural elements of the agro-techno-park are: administration, exhibition center, information and consulting center, scientific and educational center, business incubator, commercial unit.

By its type, the agro-industrial park is an entrepreneurial innovative formation in the field of high technologies with centers for the collective use of devices and equipment, as well as with business centers that include all the necessary infrastructure to support and develop innovative activities: a scientific and educational center, including scientific and educational institutions, a consulting group, experimental production and basic farms, an information and exhibition center. Of great importance for the development of entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial production of the region are the following zones: business incubation (implementation of preferential auxiliary services at the stage of creation of developments and the initial stage of their development) and commercial (placement of high-tech business projects) [2].

The mechanism of operation of this fund includes: the formation of a unified innovation policy for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region, the concentration of budgetary and extra budgetary financial resources, the financing of scientific support for the strategic directions of development of agro-industrial production, the creation of favorable conditions for the progressive movement of promising innovations on the basis of concessional lending, support and development of new technologies and know-how using patents and  licenses, participation in the development and conduct of expertise, competitive selection and implementation of regional, regional programs that ensure the effective use of resources in the region and the creation of new jobs.

Key measures for the implementation of the agro-industrial park project may be as follows: development of the concept of industrial parks; preliminary selection of promising sites from the point of view of industrial development; conclusion of an agreement with local self-government bodies, transfer of rights to plots; involvement of the management company to manage the park, selection of contractors; development of a business plan for the park, taking into account the planned capacity, assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project, preparation of justifications for making a decision on development; development of a master plan; cooperation with large financial organizations in attracting financing for construction; organization of the construction of the park and providing it with the necessary infrastructure; focused involvement of Russian and international residents; conclusion of contracts with residents, obtaining permits and transferring rights to plots; organization of services for residents of the park; management and operation of common nodal facilities of industrial parks; support for the project of an integrated center for deep processing of products of key clusters, providing cluster interaction.

Thus, in the course of the study, it was established that the main indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of the techno-park project are the number of attracted resident enterprises of the industrial park; the volume of tax revenues to the regional budget; the total volume of investments of residents; the number of jobs created.


1. Glancy M., Fuglie, K., and Heisey, P. U.S. Agricultural R&D in an Era of Falling Public Funding, 2016. pp. 11-18. URL : https: // amber-waves/ 2016/ november/ us-agricultural–rd-in an-era-of fallingpublic-funding.

2. Heisey P. Fuglie K. Agricultural Research in High-Income Countries Faces New Challenges as Public Funding Stalls. Economic Research Service. USDA. 2018. May 29. URL : https: // amber-waves /2018

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