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Рік заснування видання - 2014


18.03.2023 18:01

[4. Pedagogical sciences]

Author: Tetiana Yuriivna Pohorielova, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

In connection with the current security situation in Ukraine, the issue of choosing accessible and easy-to-use information and communication technologies for distance learning, which would ensure the creation, rapid distribution, and storage of educational materials, active communication between the student and the teacher, as well as permanent education support, is gaining great relevance [1].

Today, one of the most popular platforms for distance education of students is Google Classroom (, the free-of-charge use of which allows you to organize the effective interaction of all subjects of the educational process, structure the educational material, and ensure the efficient assessment of the learning achievements of students of higher education institutions.

Many domestic scholars, namely S. Antoshchuk, I. Voytovych, Y. Bogachkov, P. Uhan, V. Khrypun, O. Chekhratova emphasize several positive qualities of this educational platform: being free of charge; self-registration; availability of a universal Google account, which simplifies access to all services; availability of convenient functionality; accessibility from any digital device connected to the Internet, etc. [2].

Foreign scholars, namely Maman, H. Baharun, M. Rohman & F. Baskoro argue that  Google Classroom possesses huge educational potential which can be utilized to maximize the process of delivering material to students. They emphasize that the task assignment tools available in Google Classroom can enhance students' learning responsibility by generating automatic copies of tasks individually assigned by name for each subscriber of the discipline [4].

To help Ukrainian educators acquire the necessary digital competencies and master new educational tools, the Ministry of Education and Culture will provide training by organizing seminars and publishing online materials on the use of Google Workspace for Education. One such opportunity is the newly created online course Google Digital Tools for Education, available during the 2022-2023 school year for educators of all levels, free of charge.

In the context of higher education support, The Google Class platform allows the educator to structure the training course by sections, define their topics, create a calendar plan, specify the terms of studying the relevant material, as well as the terms of completing educational tasks. Within a specially created course, educators can publish learning tasks for specific academic groups, send announcements and initiate discussions. At the same time, the assignments submitted by the students are automatically organized into the system of folders and documents on Google Drive [3].

An essential advantage of the Google Class service is the ability to integrate Google Classroom and Google Drive - after creating a specific course, a folder with educational materials is created for the teacher and students on Google Drive.

Another advantage is productive and fast communication among the subjects of the educational process, which is the key to effective feedback. In favor of the information security of the platform is the possibility of creating an access code for each newly created course [6].

Students, in turn, create their account, through which they can perform educational tasks, exchange educational materials, project an individual educational trajectory, monitor their educational progress and the progress of the academic group, add comments, and communicate with teachers [7].

On the assignment page, the students can see which task needs immediate submission. The information about the completed work is constantly updated in real time. Also, this service provides an opportunity to add comments to the teacher on the checked work. Google Classroom platform also gives an opportunity to limit the completion of tasks in time with the involvement of the Google Calendar service when publishing assignments on the Google Classroom platform. This service is an effective means of setting the terms of reporting on the performance of independent work by students and a means of developing time management skills, a vital professional competence for future specialists [5].

Therefore, the Google Classroom service is an optimal digital platform that is convenient for both educators and students to use. Its functional potential provides vectors for increasing students' individual responsibility by actualizing time management and action planning. The perspective of the research is the further consideration of the functionality of Google Class, as well as similar educational platforms that have the potential to increase the education responsibility of students.


1. Boiarska-Khomenko A. V. Remote education of adults as one of the ways to solve the negative consequences of military conflict / A. V. Boiarska-Khomenko // Revistă Ştiinţifică Progresivă. – 2018. – № 1. – С. 5–8.

2. Chekhratova, O., Kovalenko, O., Petrenko, V., Pohorielova, T., & Ved, T. (2022). Developing students’ autonomy and responsibility via promoting digital and media literacy in an English-language classroom. Amazonia Investiga, 11(52), 15-23.

3. Хрипун В. О. Хмарні сервіси google як засіб управління освітньою діяльністю закладу дошкільної освіти : дис. … на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук: 13.00.10. Київ, 2019. 349 c. URL:

4. Maman, & Baharun, Hasan & Witarsa, Ramadhan & Ainin, Dewi & Hodaili, Zafrul & Mushorfan, & Wiranata, Majid. (2021). Google Classroom as a Distance Learning Tool during a Pandemic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1899. 012176. 10.1088/1742-6596/1899/1/012176.

5. M. Rohman, F. Baskoro and L. EndahCahyaNingrum, "The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Google Classroom as an Alternative Online Learning Media to Overcome Physical Distancing in Lectures Due to the Covid-19 pandemic: Student Perspectives," 2020 Third International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical Engineering (ICVEE), Surabaya, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICVEE50212.2020.9243258.

6. Войтович, І. С., & Трофименко, Ю. С. (2019). Особливості використання Google Classroom для організації дистанційного навчання студентів. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Серія 2. Комп’ютерно-орієнтовані системи навчання, (20 (27), 39–43.

7. Богачков Ю. М. Комплексне застосування Google Classroom для створення варіативних дистанційних курсів [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. М. Богачков, А. В. Букач, П. С. Ухань // Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. - 2020. - Т. 76, № 2. - С. 290-303. - Режим доступу:

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