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Рік заснування видання - 2014


23.04.2024 15:35

[4. Pedagogical sciences]

Author: Oleksandr Krutin, Senior Teacher of English, National Aerospace University (“KhAI”), Kharkiv, Ukraine; Iryna Tomaz, Senior Teacher of English National Aerospace University (“KhAI”), Kharkiv, Ukraine

Problem statement. Given the importance of improving the quality of education, it is necessary to formulate new strategies aimed at forming values that promote the spiritual and intellectual development of young people who will decide the future of the country.

Analysis of recent research. In many foreign studies the importance of increasing students' motivation through their involvement in active learning has been explored, using such forms of encouragement as cooperation, games, and actualisation of students' value attitudes to the pedagogical heritage of the past. Researchers R. Anderson, G. Guzman, A. James and others dealt with the problem of education quality management [4. p. 418].

The general unresolved problem.  This is the problem of forming motivational attitudes and value-oriebted attitudes of students to the goals of learning and the importance of learning in their future life and in further development of the individual and the country.

Objectives of the article. To conduct a scientific analysis of the quality of education management in progressive foreign experience and its implementation in Ukraine [1. p. 56].

Presentation of the main material. Researchers identify four most important state policy objectives, such as: minimisation of public spending on education, economic and social optimisation of the education sector, and formation of new market structures and education infrastructures. Turning to the study of the structural features of education, several important points should be noted. 

A significant factor in the quality of education is the ratio of traditional and innovative components, where the traditional component means extensive training, and the innovative component means intensive development of personal abilities of students [2. p. 35]. 

Considering the possibilities of using modern pedagogical technologies to optimise the content and quality of education, it is necessary to understand the meaning of these concepts. 

The first and most important aspect of using modern educational technologies is their communicative orientation. However, to improve the level of education, it is necessary to use broader theoretical concepts that include such components as: mastering the logic of professional behaviour, experience of creative activity, use of methods of organising technological processes, their adaptation to the goals of humanisation and humanitarian education; mastering the individual system of methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, ability to analyse alternative pedagogical technologies, readiness to implement educational standards. Of particular importance is the inclusion of personality-oriented educational technologies in the process of training students [1. p. 57]. 

Based on the theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literature on educational management, sociology and psychology of management, general pedagogy, professional competence includes the following competences: receptivity to innovation, ability to see elements of the new, ability to offer a fundamentally new solution to a problem, readiness for leadership, ability to make social and managerial decisions in educational institutions. Today, in the context of global competition in the educational services market, the problem of providing high quality education requires even more attention. The quality of education determines the level of development of a country and its place in the  modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new educational programmes that are in demand. 

However, only with the skilful use of various forms and methods of teaching can stimulate and develop in students interest in the subject they study and, as a result, their sustainable motivation for learning and future professional activities in their lives [4, p. 38].

The strategy of innovation in the higher education system stems from the need to develop a holistic system of professional and pedagogical criteria. The problem of criteria and means of monitoring educational processes is one of the most fundamental problems. There are objective difficulties in introducing innovative technologies in the modern educational domain [2. p. 25]. This requires solving such problems as: ignoring individual peculiarities, using ineffective forms and methods of teaching and upbringin, lack of high standards and syllabuses.

Conclusions: The quality of education is determined by a number of factors, such as: educational goals, material and technical equipment of the educational process, use of educational technologies, effectiveness of the achievement control system. Of great importance is a set of conceptual ideas, scientific methodological developments, organisational and managerial measures to create a system for diagnosing and monitoring the quality of innovative and traditional education systems [1, p. 41].

List of references:

1. National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, URL

2. Improving the System of Monitoring the Quality of Education in Ukraine (Dnipropetrovs'k, April 2013) Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

3. Albrecht J., Brecht G. The Knowledge Lift., The Swedish Adult Education Program, Working Paper IFAU, 2004.

4. Andersson R., “Breaking Segregation” – Rhetorical Construct or Effective Policy? The Case of the Metropolition, Development Initiative in Sweden, Urban Studies, 2006. Vol. 43. No. 4 p.787-799.  

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