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Рік заснування видання - 2014


21.10.2024 10:32

[15. Psychological sciences]

Author: Volodymyr Pundev, candidate of psychological sciences, Odesa National University of Economics; Karina Volska, master's student, Odesa National University of Economics

ORCID:  0000-0003-0407-4229 Volodymyr Pundiev 

The purpose of the report is to reveal the features of psychological assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine in rehabilitation to new living conditions in terms of the influence of various factors on this process.

Among the leading domestic scientific studies on this issue, we can single out the works of such scientists as B. Pleskach, V. Urkaev, who considered the complex issue of socio-psychological aspects of psychotherapeutic assistance to internally displaced persons. In the works of T. Tytarenko, the specifics of the psychological rehabilitation of a person who does not take part in military operations, but experiences the destruction of the opportunity to live normally, were analyzed [1]. The issue of psychological assistance to internally displaced persons in rehabilitation to new living conditions was also investigated by a number of domestic researchers, in particular, M. Blazhivskyi, L. Hrydkovets, T. Kamenshchuk, V. Kulichenko, I. Medintsov, I. Romanova. They are convinced that psychological assistance to internally displaced persons should be primarily based on the development of a strategy for the adaptation of such persons to a new environment. At the same time, all mechanisms should be used to ensure that IDPs have a sufficient level of information and a set of self-help skills and self-awareness, which will allow them to adapt to new conditions more quickly. Among foreign scientists’ research on integration of IDPs was made by L.F. Berkman, P. Chiong, D. Ryan, N.O. Worcester.

Based on the analysis of this problem in psychological literature [1-5], we can note that the most important factors in the success of adjustment and adaptation of the population under the condition of traumatic experience are the possibilities of using psychological resources and potential, the qualities of "sustainability", which allow people to overcome the adverse influence of uncertainty factors, danger and loss. In the case when the influence of these factors is stronger and longer than the adaptive capabilities of a person, a phenomenon "breakdown of the adaptation barrier" can occur and there is an injury. This can lead to neuro-psychological disorders, exacerbation of somatic diseases, deterioration in the field of working capacity and communication. Therefore, an extremely important factor for the rehabilitation and adaptation of an internally displaced person who has suffered a traumatic impact is timely and competent psychological help, which will allow to achieve a significant improvement in the feeling of mental comfort and well-being, with the further influence of this factor on all spheres of personal effectiveness. Unfortunately, persons who are IDPs often experience the consequences of impaired mental health. Accordingly, they often have psychological problems, and almost 60% of IDPs have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [1, p. 144]. Symptoms of PTSD include insecurity, depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of interest in anything, feelings of guilt, intrusive memories, and nightmares.

The main directions of psychological assistance offered to internally displaced persons include psychological counseling, psychological correction, crisis intervention, psychological rehabilitation, psychological training, psychotherapy. Effective methods of individual work with forcibly displaced persons are motivational interviewing, directive counseling, problem-oriented counseling [2]. The WHO recommends the use and adheres to a series of methodological recommendations for the provision of psychological first aid to displaced persons.

Adaptation of IDPs requires them to adapt on two levels: "personality-environment" and "personality-society". During adaptation at the "personality-environment" level, a person has to get used to a new way of life, standard of living, work organization. This adjustment is related to the social aspect, as basic human needs are provided at the "personality-environment" level. Adaptation to the new environment takes place at the "personality-environment" level - for an IDP, this level is paramount, as it is anchoring in the environment through the formation of new communicative ties.

Adaptation of IDPs takes place simultaneously on two levels. Thus, a person cannot provide for his basic needs without establishing relations with society, at the same time, communication with society cannot be carried out fully if a person feels that his basic needs are not taken into account. Accordingly, communication is an important aspect of the adaptation of IDPs, while this category needs psychological help, which will speed up the adaptation process.

It should be noted that adaptation is such a phenomenon that requires active interaction of a person with other individuals. This can be explained by the fact that it is difficult for a person to adapt to new conditions on his own and this can cause him negative reactions, since he does not have the proper experience of being in a new system. If a person interacts with a group of people who already have such experience of adaptation, then his adaptation occurs faster, because he has well-developed mechanisms for entering the system [3, p. 234].

The All-Ukrainian initiative "Active Community" together with the sociological company "Active Group" conducted a qualitative study by the method of focus group discussions with representatives of the target audience regarding the problems and needs of internally displaced persons, which took place in several cities of Ukraine that received a large number of IDPs (namely in Uzhgorod, Irshava, Lviv, Drohobych, Khmelnytskyi). The collected data from 18 focus groups with 9-12 participants in each was analyzed, the duration of each discussion was 100-120 minutes. Three focus groups were held in each city: with IDPs, activists and volunteers, and the local population. According to the data of the conducted focus group research, there is no mass request for psychological help. Psychological help is available, and displaced persons have information about this possibility, but do not take sufficient advantage even of the available free offers [4]. This means that there has to be more efforts to advertise prophylactic capabilities of such help. Considering results from [4-5], spreading the idea of prophylactic value of psychological help is an extremely important factor for the possible rehabilitation and adaptation of an IDP who has suffered a traumatic impact; this will insure timely and competent psychological help, which will allow to achieve a significant improvement in the feeling of mental comfort and well-being, with the further influence of this factor on all spheres of personal effectiveness.


1. Titarenko, T.M., Dvornik, M.S., Klimchuk, V.O. et al. (2019). Sotsіalno-psihologіchnі tehnologії vіdnovlennya osobistostі pіslya travmatichnih podіy: praktichniy posіbnik [Socio-psychological technologies of personality recovery after traumatic events: a practical guide] ; ed. T.M. Titarenko. Kropivnitskiy, Іmeks-LTD. 220p. [in Ukrainian].

2. Romanova, I.V. (2023). Do pytannya vyboru shlyakhiv psykholohichnoyi dopomohy vnutrishnʹo peremishchenym osobam (VPO) [To the issue of choosing ways of psychological assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs)]. Habitus, Vol. 48, 141-145 [in Ukrainian].

3. Blazhivskyi, M.I. (2014). Ponyattya adaptatsiyi v suchasniy naukoviy literaturi  [The concept of adaptation in modern scientific literature]. Naukovyy visnyk Lʹvivsʹkoho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav - Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Vol. 1, 233-242 [in Ukrainian].

4. Glizhynska, O., Yeremenko, A., Makarova, I., Pozniy, O. (2022). Problemy i potreby vnutrishno peremishchenykh osib [Problems and needs of internally displaced persons]: "Active community", "Active Group". Retrieved from URL: [in Ukrainian].

5. Psihologіchne zdorov’ya і stavlennya ukraїntsіv do psihologіchnoї dopomogi: [Psykholohichne zdorovia i stavlennia ukraintsiv do psykholohichnoi dopomohy] Sotsіologіchna kompanіya “Gradus Research”. Retrieved from URL: [in Ukrainian].

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