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24.11.2024 18:28

[8. Philological sciences]

Author: Maryna Maloivan, PhD, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Kryvyi Rih State University, Ukraine; Anna Alieksieieva, Master's degree student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

The travelogue genre has a long history and has undergone a significant stage of evolution, reflecting changes in the cultural, social and literary context of the eras. Today, it has become not only a tool for self-expression of authors, but also acquired a new form of its implementation.

The theoretical basis is made up of the provisions set forth in the works of such scientists who investigate the peculiarities of travelogues: S. Levin, K. Newton, M. Johnson, K. Flint, as well as others. In particular, K. Newton focuses on the influence of social media on the formation of a new type of narrative, M. Johnson analyzes the linguistic and genre characteristics of modern travel texts, and S. Levine explores the interaction between travelogue authors and their audience in the context of globalization of information flows.

The term "travelogue" is relatively new in scientific discourse and belongs to the genre of "travel writing," which is distinguished by the presence of the traveler-author. The main characteristic of this genre is that the traveler-author introduces the reader to unfamiliar or lesser-known countries, territories, and peoples, presenting the information in the form of notes, diaries, journals, or memoirs [3]. 

Initially, linguists used the following terminology: "travel literature" and "travel writing". The term "travelogue" was first introduced by the traveler L. Brown [4]. In modern discourse, the term "travelogue" is used for various forms of the "travel" genre, which include posts in the Internet space, comments, stories, etc. For a broader understanding of the genre, one should analyze the definitions of the term "travelogue" in a number of scientific literature.

The travelogue genre is one of the oldest in literature. Since ancient times, when the travelogue was an important tool for transferring knowledge to distant countries, the travelogue performed cognitive and documentary functions. One of the first travel writers is the geographer Herodotus, who in 464 BC traveled to the Holy Land. In the 5th century BC, the student of Socrates, the Greek philosopher Xenophon, who is the author of the book "Anabasis", which is considered a classic Greek prose, went to travel. 

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the travelogue genre gained new popularity. Traveller and American writer J. Steinbeck used this genre to highlight the social and cultural problems of his time. He analyzed cultural differences, relations between nations, and economic development in his works [2].

The modern travelogue is changing to a great extent under the influence of the latest technologies. Today, the travelogue, in particular in digital form, has become an important means of self-expression. The influence of bloggers, vloggers and social media influencers using the genre to promote various travel destinations has greatly increased the popularity of the genre among the youth.

The traditional text format is gradually transformed into multi-format publications, including blogs, YouTube videos and other digital platforms that allow authors not only to write, but also to visually convey the atmosphere of the places they visit.

According to the forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, the tourism industry should experience significant growth every year. However, at that time, the COVID-19 pandemic made significant adjustments to these plans, as most countries resorted to measures to limit the crossing of their borders. This development of events led to an increase in the popularity of Internet travelogues, because the opportunity to visit new places and learn about other cultures online ensured not only the preservation, but also, perhaps, an increase in the relevance of this genre in the new conditions for that time. Interest in virtual travel has remained consistently high post-pandemic, and content created in the format of online travelogues has become an important part of the travel industry, providing new ways to interact with cultural and natural sites.

The historical development of the travelogue genre can be interpreted as a reflection of changes in society: from the desire to learn about the world in a geographical and cultural context to actual reflections on the social and economic problems of our time.

These changes indicate that even in the post-pandemic era, interest in this genre will remain high, as it meets the new demands of society and the development of technology.


1. Історія України написана у V ст. до нашої ери Геродотом / Пер. С. Спасько. Київ: ФОП Стебеляк О.М. 2012. – 144 с.

2. Джигун Л. Літературний травелог як жанр мандрівної прози: походження та історичний розвиток. Збірник наукових праць. Філологічні науки «Південний архів». Хмельницьк, 2019. – С. 24–29.

3. Blanton C. Travel writing: the self and the world.New York: Routledge, 2002. 166 p.

4. Burton H. Extraordinary Traveler. URL: https://www.burtonholmes.org/. (дата звернення: 23.11.2024).

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