Congratulation from Internet Conference!
18.12.2019 10:45
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Іванченко Олександра, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:38
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Бабенко Анастасія, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
17.12.2019 21:14
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Гуйван Петро Дмитрович, кандидат юридичних наук, заслужений юрист України, професор Полтавського інституту бізнесу
18.12.2019 10:42
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Дишлюк Анна, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
17.12.2019 18:30
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Дорошенко Тетяна Анатоліївна, магістр, юридичний факультет, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ
03.12.2019 11:47
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Крікало Олена Богданівна, студентка групи ПВ-22, Інститут права, психології та інноваційної освіти, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
18.12.2019 10:36
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Красівська Наталія, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:30
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Лєснікова Володимира, студента ІV курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:21
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Липовенко Едуард, студент ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
02.12.2019 18:58
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Савченко Антоніна Михайлівна, старший викладач кафедри охорони праці і навколишнього середовища, Київський національний університет будівництва та архітектури
04.12.2019 10:46
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Свист Оксана Михайлівна, студентка 2-го курсу магістратури юридичного факультету, Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
18.12.2019 10:17
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Ступка Мар’яна, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:24
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Танцюра Микола, студент ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:27
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Чемерис Тетяна, студентка ІІ курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
18.12.2019 10:33
[Section 3. Civil and family law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law]
Author: Шиманська Анастасія, студентка ІV курсу Таращанського державного технічного та економіко-правового коледжу
Report summaries for the international academic and research Internet conference with the topic:
Date of conference
25 лютого 2025
Remaining time to start conference 5Conference 2025
Ninety third economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /28-29.01.2025/
Ninety fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /25-26.02.2025/
Conference 2024
Eighty second economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /29-30.01.2024/
Eighty third economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /27-28.02.2024/
Eighty fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /26-27.03.2024/
Eighty fifth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /25-26.04.2024/
Eighty sixth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /28-29.05.2024/
Eighty seven economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /25-26.06.2024/
Eighty eight economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /18-19.07.2024/
Eighty ninth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /24-25.09.2024/
Nineties economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /23-24.10.2024/
Ninety first economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /21-22.11.2024/
Ninety second economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /18-19.12.2024/
Conference 2023
Seventy second economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities/21-22.02.2023/
Seventy-third economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /22-23.03.2023/
Seventy-fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /25-26.04.2023/
Seventy-fifth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /25-26.05.2023/
Seventy-sixth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /22-23.06.2023/
Seventy-seventh economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /18-19.07.2023/
Seventy-eight economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /28-29.09.2023/
Seventy-ninth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /26-27.10.2023/
Eighties economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /23-24.11.2023/
Eighty first economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /19-20.12.2023/
Conference 2022
Sixty third economic and legal discussions /23-24.03.2022/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixty fourth economic and legal discussions /27-28.04.2022/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixty five economic and legal discussions /24-25.05.2022/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixty sixth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social and humanitarian sciences /21-22.06.2022/
Sixty seven economic and legal discussions. Series: Social and humanitarian sciences /28-29.07.2022/
Sixty eight economic and legal discussions. Series: Social and humanitarian sciences /27-28.09.2022/
Sixty ninth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social and humanitarian sciences /28-29.10.2022/
Seventies economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /28-29.11.2022/
Seventy first economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities /21-22.12.2022/
Conference 2021
Fifty fourth economic and legal discussions /24.02.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty five economic and legal discussions /24.03.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty six economic and legal discussions /27.04.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty seventh economic and legal discussions /26.05.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty eight economic and legal discussions /24.06.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty ninth economic and legal discussions /28.09.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixties economic and legal discussions /27.10.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixty first economic and legal discussions /24.11.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Sixty second economic and legal discussions /21.12.2021/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2020
Forty fourth economic and legal discussions /18.02.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty five economic and legal discussions /24.03.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty six economic and legal discussions /28.04.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty seventh economic and legal discussions /27.05.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty eight economic and legal discussions /24.06.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty ninth economic and legal discussions /22.07.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fiftieth economic and legal discussions /25.09.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty first economic and legal discussions /27.10.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty second economic and legal discussions /25.11.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifty third economic and legal discussions /22.12.2020/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2019
Thirty fourth economic and legal discussions /21.02.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty five economic and legal discussions /21.03.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty six economic and legal discussions /18.04.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty seventh economic and legal discussions /28.05.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty eighth economic and legal discussions /25.06.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty ninth economic and legal discussions /26.07.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty economic and legal discussions /24.09.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty first economic and legal discussions /29.10.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty second economic and legal discussions /26.11.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Forty third economic and legal discussions /17.12.2019/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2018
Twenty fourth economic-legal discussions /28-02-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty five economic-legal discussions /29-03-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty six economic-legal discussions /30-04-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty seventh economic and legal discussions /31-05-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty eighth economic and legal discussions /28-06-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty nine economic and legal discussions /19-07-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty economic and legal discussions /01-10-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty first economic and legal discussions /31-10-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty second economic and legal discussions /29-11-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirty third economic and legal discussions /27-12-2018/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2017
Sixteenth economic and legal discussions /15-03-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Seventeen economic and legal discussions /27-04-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Eighteenth economic and legal discussions /30-05-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Nineteenth economic and legal discussions /29-06-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twentyth economic and legal discussions /29-09-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty first economic and legal discussions /31-10-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty second economic-legal discussions /29.11.2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twenty third economic-legal discussions /21-12-2017/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2016
Tenth economic and legal discussions /04-03-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Eleventh economic and legal discussions /26-04-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Twelfth economic and legal discussions /24-05-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Thirteenth economic and legal discussions /28-06-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fourteenth economic and legal discussions /05-10-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifteenth economic and legal discussions /21-11-2016/
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2015
Sixth economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Seventh economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Eighth economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Ninth economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Conference 2014
The first economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Second economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Third economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Fourth economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Fifth economic and legal discussions
Economics direction
Law direction
Ninety second economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities
Ninety third economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities
Ninety fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities