Requires to conferences - Scientific conference

Congratulation from Internet Conference!


Рік заснування видання - 2014

Requires to conferences

The text is typed in the text editor Microsoft Word as a “doc” or “rtf” file: type font - Times New Roman; font size - 14; line spacing - 1,5; dimensions: of a paragraph – 1,25 cm; upper, lower, left and right margins - 2,0 cm; page numbering on the right at the top of the text. Recommended report volume - 2-12 pages. Tables and pictures introduction is admitted in the summary text. Drawings and tables on landscape pages are not accepted. Font size in tables is 12.
The number of tables, figures and formulas in the text should be minimal.
References to the literature are indicated in square brackets in the text [1, p. 2].
Footnotes and references are not allowed.
The list of references should be drawn up in accordance with the DSTU 8302:2015. Reports authors are responsible for the summary stuff. The script will be not subjected to further editing, so it has to be properly prepared.

Summary execution example

Session name


Surname, name and patronymic of the author, academic degree,
place of work or studying

Report text


Cost of publication in the collected volume of the report for participants from Ukraine summaries amounts to 100 UAH for every completed (or uncompleted) А4 page and 250 UAH for the collected volume and the certificate. Payments for publishing collected volumes and issuing certificates are to transfer to the following details: IBAN account UA253052990000026005013306335 in "PRIVATBANK", MFO of the bank 305299, recipient private entrepreneur Rusenko U.O., recipient's USRE code 3258001482. Purpose of payment: Payment for participation in the conference.
For participants from other countries organizational payment is 3 USD for every (complete or incomplete) page of the given theses of lecture and 10 USD for sending of collection and certificate. A cost and sending of everyadditional copy of collection of materials of conferencepresent 10 USD. For foreign participants payment comes true international standard through the payment systems: Western Union - Recipient: Sviatoslav Rusenko. During the transfer ofelectronic funds necessarily specify the last name.

One copy of a collected volume per one scientific research is sent to the address specified in the application. For additional collected volumes to be received they are to be paid for in amount of 250 UAH per each additional copy, which is to be indicated in the receipt being sent.  
We request you to order additional copies beforehand.

Organizational committee contacts:

Correspondence address:
Organizational committee of the international Internet Conference "Naukova Spilnota"
POB 1621, Lviv 79016

Phone: +38(096) 455-19-22

Report summaries for the international academic and research Internet conference with the topic:

Ninety fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities

Date of conference

25 лютого 2025

Remaining time to start conference 5

Give topic


Ninety second economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities

Ninety third economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities

Ninety fourth economic and legal discussions. Series: Social sciences and humanities

:: LEX-LINE :: Юридична лінія

Міжнародна інтернет-конференція з економіки, інформаційних систем і технологій, психології та педагогіки

Наукові конференції

Економіко-правові дискусії. Спільнота


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Conference 2014